national-geographic-photographer-arrested-taking-photos-kansas feedlot

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

“The real issue is transparency. Farmers, feedlot operators and processors are all producing a product to sell to consumers. And that product is perhaps the most essential product on Earth—our food. Anytime the industry complains that people should not take a picture of how our food is being produced, it casts all of agriculture in a bad light,” she writes.

funny how transparency is always a one-way street.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Why do you view all issues in terms of left or right? No question this is about the 'ag gag' that will be the downfall of high occupancy feedlots as you now know them. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Why do you view all issues in terms of left or right? No question this is about the 'ag gag' that will be the downfall of high occupancy feedlots as you now know them.

I view it now as left and right more than I have in the past in that the party of choice has done very little except reduce choice and eliminate consequence.

If they want choice, they should embrace it.

If the left had the SAME concern about fetuses that they do feedlots, I wouldn't view things as so left and right, but since they don't, I don't.

Sort of like your gun post. It's rigiculoud. You claim you vote democrat but "your" gun and clips they want to make illegal. You are spiting your own face but only laugh you think there isn't left bias in schools and the media. You have no idea about the founding fathers of the progressive movement, their goals, and who the fellow travelers were and the syndrome they had.



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Its plain and simple, they were trespassing and likely should have been arrested. Why didnt the photographer just ask if he could go in the feedlot and take pics? Kudos to the local authorities there in kansas for making the arrest!  (clapping)


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Arresting someone over a class c?  Yea, kudos- thata way to allocate tax payer money.

I never said I voted 'democrat.' I said I supported Obama's social policy. I'm a fiscal conservative- that being said, I can distinguish between investments and expenses.  We need to invest in the American people. We need to stop expensing funds overseas.

You feel as if the left limits choices. I feel as if the right does.  Liberal and democrat aren't synonymous- despite your continual attempt to suggest so. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
We need to invest in the American people. wrong.  we need to allow Americans to invest more in themselves.  giving people money that won't invest in themselves is not an investment, it's a waste.

Liberal and democrat aren't synonymous- despite your continual attempt to suggest so. they are very synonymous, despite your continual attempt to suggest otherwise.  they are more similar than dissimilar.  hardly anyone today other than you would suggest otherwise.  there used to be a difference, but not anymore, otherwise obama care would not have passed.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
You feel as if the left limits choices. I feel as if the right does.

they both do obviously, but the left simply outpaces the right in doing so.

the complaint i have with the left is that they claim they are the party of choice, but are not.  to me, this makes them more insidious, at least currently.  i can't stand them both.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
I'm a fiscal conservative-

But you vote against that. Hahahahaha. Fail. So transparently false.

Maybe what you really mean is you are conservative with your money but liberal with others, the very definition of a progressive.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
Transparency.... funny how that relatively simple word can be interrupted many different ways. 
"Full Transparency" would imply that NOTHING is done behind closed doors and that all decisions are made with NOTHING being left unsaid "I have decided to vote for the conservation bill because the tree lovers group gave me $100,000".  It is not having meetings behind closed doors, having "two sides" to each story, and having a "committee" do the dirty work.

I have nothing to hide on my farm, BUT, I will also prosecute anyone I catch on my land that does not have permission. Same as any one would do of their household. Just because someone does not want someone on their property doesn't mean they are hiding something.  I once caught someone trespassing to pick mushrooms and get minnows.  Their excuse was "you have plenty". So I followed them home, and went to their rose bushes and flower garden and started to pick flowers.  He threatened to call the police and I said to go ahead. I had a bio-secure farm and if he wanted to pay for all the expenses to guarantee he had not violated that bio-security, then by all means, call the police. He didn't. And I left with a wonderful bouquet of flowers. I haven't seen him again.
If he would have ask, I would have given him permission.

I do think ag needs to do a better job of demonstrating how we raise, create the food that feeds many many people. We also need to explain that a "family farm" is just like a "family business" in town. It has good and bad employees, it has good and bad examples and some things are unavoidable, ie. slaughtering of animals to make meat.  Do some of the farms do things that I, and many would consider "not acceptable"? Absolutely. And we, as an ag community need to eliminate those bad apples. I also realize there are a lot of farms that are doing things right. And size of farm, number of "family members", acres of land, have NOTHING to do with it.

Full Transparency also means that animal rights groups name the people who are video taping and report abuse IMMEDIATELY, not months down the road. Full transparency means these "anonymous" no longer exist.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
We need to invest in the American people. wrong.  we need to allow Americans to invest more in themselves.  giving people money that won't invest in themselves is not an investment, it's a waste.

Liberal and democrat aren't synonymous- despite your continual attempt to suggest so. they are very synonymous, despite your continual attempt to suggest otherwise.  they are more similar than dissimilar.  hardly anyone today other than you would suggest otherwise.  there used to be a difference, but not anymore, otherwise obama care would not have passed.

No one is talking about giving away cash to end users.  Im talking about investing in healthcare and education.  Liberal more specifcally refers to the social aspects of politics as opposed to fiscal policy. 

knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
You feel as if the left limits choices. I feel as if the right does.

they both do obviously, but the left simply outpaces the right in doing so.

the complaint i have with the left is that they claim they are the party of choice, but are not.  to me, this makes them more insidious, at least currently.  i can't stand them both.
I feel as if the right outpaces the left.  I can't understand how you say the left opposes consequences but at the same time limits choices.  It seems to may as if there are less consequences, there are more choices? The repbulican party feels as if the govt has a say so on what happens in the privacy of citizen's homes.  The democratic party does not.  THis is my vice witht he gop and why until, they drop their social platform, they will never see the white house again. 

knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
I'm a fiscal conservative-

But you vote against that. Hahahahaha. Fail. So transparently false.

Maybe what you really mean is you are conservative with your money but liberal with others, the very definition of a progressive.

No I vote for it.  I vote against wasting money policing the world, I vote against a military that expenses 20X that of the next largest military,  I vote against the police state Republicans support, I vote against prohibition- all wasteful republican spending! Imagine how many people could be covered or how many people could acquire a college education with just the money SQUANDERED in one day in Iraq.  I am very fiscally conservative- I just realize how large the pie is and point out the fraudulent allocation of funds to a few uber wealthy folk's agenda. 


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
-XBAR- said:
Arresting someone over a class c?  Yea, kudos- thata way to allocate tax payer money.
If u wanna talk about waisting taxpayers money, check out Obamas trip to Africa. 100 cool million dollars

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
-XBAR- said:
Check out 'operation Iraqi freedom.'  $406.2 BILLION

Not saying I agree with that spending even as a US Veteran. But Obamacare estimated cost of 900 Billion at the start and still going up. Well over twice of the cost of Iraqi Freedom if we talk about wasteful spending. You might not consider this wasteful spending but me and MANY others do, just like your view of Iraqi Freedom.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I would have to check ......but I think this is the same photographer that took pictures of Mrs. Obama that will be in next months Nat Geo magazine.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Big M Show Cattle said:
-XBAR- said:
Check out 'operation Iraqi freedom.'  $406.2 BILLION

Not saying I agree with that spending even as a US Veteran. But Obamacare estimated cost of 900 Billion at the start and still going up. Well over twice of the cost of Iraqi Freedom if we talk about wasteful spending. You might not consider this wasteful spending but me and MANY others do, just like your view of Iraqi Freedom.

Obama care covers 300 million Americans. OIF killed 4,486 Americans. Good comparison.  Again, Obamacare is an investment; OIF was an expense.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
Obama care covers 300 million Americans. OIF killed 4,486 Americans. Good comparison.  Again, Obamacare is an investment; OIF was an expense.

What you call as an investment, many others call as reckless spending including myself. I don't want Obamacare nor does my state as we just passed a bill in our state this last election making to where the federal government can't control our health care in Wyoming, which passed by a landslide. You have your beliefs which is yours but that does not mean everyone else should believe in them. I am a very conservative person as is my state which I am happy with. I am not pressing my beliefs on you or anyone else, just pointing out that not everyone believes in what you believe in and just cause they don't, doesn't mean they are wrong. You believe Obamacare is an investment, I believe it is reckless spending going back to it is costing over twice as much as OIF did. I was over a generation before you, you have college, I have military/law enforcement background. I am not going to get into the conservative verse the liberal approach even though a lot of stuff the liberals do piss me off, I am just glad to live in a VERY Conservative state.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Unfortunately for you, fed law with supersede.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't your state's auto insurance set up the same way as the Obama care you despise? 

And I concur, the fact that we don't agree doesn't mean you're wrong- it just means you're the minority. And -praise The Lord- many of you folks are about to experience the tribulations of being a minority. Best of luck in your coping.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Takes a liberal to not protect a minority.

Obamacare doesnt cover 330 million.

It only covers about 10% of those and is going to add illegals and the people it will cover wont pay anything. They should pay something.

Being a liberal is forcing someone else to pay for your agenda. This Includes a lot of labeled conservatives and republicans who don't know they are.