Recent content by Eastcows

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  1. E

    Cattle injected with air

    First, for all of you saying cheating is okay, please think for one second about the repercussions of saying the horrible things done to animals on a public website. PETA can use this, and granted the cheating is only in an extremely small part of the cattle industry, but they can blow it out of...
  2. E

    A couple of interesting posters at a recent "Tea Party"

    I hope you realize that if we hadn't had the TARP aka Bank bailout that hundred of banks would have failed. If we didn't bail out Sallie Mae and Freddie Mac 20% of all regional banks would have failed. It seems to me that those are some pretty large figures that we can't ignore, and a widespread...
  3. E

    Recip Cows + Custom ET Calves Available

    We are selling recipient cows and raising custom ET calves in Eastern Colorado. We realize it's late but someone backed out in the last second. We can do fall or spring. The last time we did this we ran 70% conception rate, and our herd weans 92% of the calf crop with an average WW of 560 with...