Recent content by Real Shorthorns

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  1. R

    Shorthorns-Chicago 1960

    I think it is Lynnwood Copyright sired by Carona Fascination.
  2. R

    Direct marketing of Shorthorn beef

    Talk about coincidence.  I had an 82# bull calf born at 3 AM today sired by HHKA Buttercups Prince 20th who is the sire of many of the famous Hub's bulls including Director.  Dam is a first calf heifer of my own breeding and is homozygous polled. Therefore, the calf is polled and actually looks...
  3. R

    Shorthorn History Buffs

    Dr. Bert Moore has continued to archive information on Shorthorn bulls and cows that have been the most significant in the evolution of the Shorthorn breed.  His latest writings can be found in the Historical Section on the Heritage Shorthorn Society ( website.  He is...
  4. R

    Cattle Viewpoints

    The Heritage Shorthorn Society (HSS) has introduced a bi-monthly series of articles called "Cattle Viewpoints" by well-known individuals in the Shorthorn Industry.  These informative and interesting articles will cover a variety of topics about Heritage "Native" Shorthorns and cattle in...
  5. R

    Shorthorn History Buffs

    For those interested in Shorthorn history check out the new historical section on the Heritage Shorthorn Society website ( that is being written by Dr. Bert Moore.  He is presenting what he considers to be the most important Shorthorn bulls and cows, along with pictures...
  6. R

    Heritage Shorthorn Society

    For those interested any Heritage Shorthorn can have registration papers from the American Milking Shorthorn Society (AMSS), American Shorthorn Association (ASA) or both.  If a breeder only registers their Shorthorns in ASA and they purchase a Heritage Shorthorn they can send ASA the AMSS papers...
  7. R

    Heritage Shorthorn Society

    For those interested in older Shorthorn genetics there is a new Shorthorn organization called the "Heritage Shorthorn Society"  It contains a lot of reference material from old Shorthorn semen codes to Shorthorn books to older Shorthorn bull pictures.  There is an...