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    Fort Worth Steer Show

    What was everyone's opinions? How did everyone like Mullinix? Did the right two get grand and reserve?
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    Fort Worth steer show

    What did everyone think of the show? Would love to hear some reactions. Thx
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    KC Steer Show

    This deserves a thread. I've never seen a steer as good as that Kroupa calf that won. And I've watched a lot of majors and state fairs. The structural package, athleticism, presence, balance, everything was just overwhelming. Remarkable beast. Incredible show. 
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    Iowa State Fair Steer Show

    Can anyone give us a report on the show? What looked good? Surprises? Any info would be appreciated!
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    Belt Buckle Bonanza

    Can anyone give us the rundown on how the show shaked out? What steers looked good? I saw a picture of the Skiles black/white champion progress steer. He sure looked good. How much did he weigh? And will he end up at Fort Worth? Or is he far enough along that Kansas City/Louisville is a more...
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    Would Texas ever open their major shows to out of staters?

    I've always wondered this. As a non-Texan, I would love to see Fort Worth, especially, open up to all states. This would truly be a sight to see. Texans, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. I've been to Fort Worth and it is without a doubt the greatest steer show in the world in terms of...
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    Denver fat steer show 2013

    It's right around the corner! Who's bringing the heat?
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    Grand Champion Steer at the '12 American Royal

    Was he the best steer you've ever seen? Discuss...
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    Rank the toughest majors and state fairs

    I thought this would be a fun discussion. I realize there is a lot of variability year to year, but I'm just talking about generally. Majors(with hair): 1. Fort Worth- tough to argue with given the numbers 2. Denver 3. KC/Louisville State Fairs: In my opinion, Iowa is clearly the toughest...
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    Nebraska AGR question...

    Who was the photographer there this year? Can anyone give me the link to their website? thanks
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    How to make a steer look full

    I have a steer I really need to fill up for a show.  He gets hollow in his sides when you analyze him from the butt view, however the steer is very deep ribbed on a side view profile. What should I give him/feed him in order to achieve that really big bellied, full looking appearance?? Thanks
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    Who are the best market steer judges on the show circuit these days?

    Who sees, talks, and places market steers the best? I'm curious to hear everyone's opinion...