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  1. B

    Opinions on steer

    I will get another one that isnt my fav pic. but its a side pic. He isn't the powerhouse steer. I will be the first to admit that. But he is complete. That is what the judge said this weekend. Our county fair isnt the most competive show by anymeans. I will be honest this steer is my girlfriends...
  2. B

    Opinions on steer

    This is one of our county fair steers. Just wanted some opinions on him. The pics arent the best he was tired from the show that day.
  3. B

    Display Bulls

    Is there any wheres where we can see all the bulls that were on display?
  4. B

    Best put down a Judge has used

    At our state fair this year. The judge placed my little brother 5th in class and when he was talking about all the steers. he started off saying "the steer in the 5th hole that the little boy is showing is the sleeper in the whole class. He will prolly be the best one in the summer but i cant...
  5. B

    hair supplement

    with the shag do you need to continue to feed once started or how does that work?
  6. B

    hair supplement

    What is a good hair supplement to use for steers?
  7. B

    peidmont calve sale in md

    how did the sale go last weekend? how was the calves? what about prices?
  8. B

    what to breed

    what would be the best to breed a heifer that is out of black label X angus. we want a LIVE calve so has to be low birthway. we are just trying to get a decent calf tho.
  9. B

    What to name steer

    Ok now. we need a real good name for a black and white steer that is out of eye candy. They are looking for a name that everybody remembers. any opinions help. Thanks, BSS
  10. B

    Wet Show

    We have had this problem in our county for many years. I won our county fair the last couple years that i was in it. and then the following year my little brother started. and he has won grand for the last two years. (he has only shown two years). But when i was showing they had anybody could...
  11. B

    Need a ride from IA to somewhere near WV, PA, OH or VA

    Need a ride for one steer from IA to some where near WV, PA, OH, or VA. Leave a mess here with your number or e-mail and i will get in contact with you. Thanks, bss