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  1. YoungGunCattle

    Drying after washing- is it important?

    I have an insulated barn with window units in it for a show barn. So it stays around 60 in there plus turbo fans. I get up every morning and wash calves and put them under fans. My question is, Should you dry your calves after rinsing? I have heard of people leaving lust a little bit damp before...
  2. YoungGunCattle

    Hard bellied/middled heifer

    I have a foundation Simmental hfr by Hard Drive that is fairly deep bodied but is a little hard bellied. What are some things I could feed or things I could do to soften her up a little.
  3. YoungGunCattle


    I have seen ready to rumble in Denver and Iowa beef expo and was very impressed with him both times.  I havent really seen an unstoppable that i s didnt at least like a little bit. I am thinking about using unstoppable but am just looking for more info. How does he calves. What kind of cows and...
  4. YoungGunCattle

    Best colored bulls out there

    Starting to think about next years breeding decisions (yes I know that is a long ways away) and with color on the rage (smoke chrome and even blue roan) I want to know what color bulls are working for everybody. Has anybody had experience with rain maker? What are some smokey bulls that are...
  5. YoungGunCattle

    Shorthorn calving ease

    What are some shorthorn calving ease options. I'm looking for something that will clean up a sloppy neck and that is chisel fronted.
  6. YoungGunCattle

    Calf calming agents.

    Ive heard of a powder being described on here that you can rub on your halterand hands that makes the calf calm down or lead better. Also what other calf calming remedies would you recommend.
  7. YoungGunCattle

    Clubby bulls and C Sections

    Everyone says that if you are gonna breed your cows to clubby bulls (Monoply, Walks Alones and Believe in Mes) that you might as well plan on calling the vet out for a C section. I can see this being true in certain circumstances but i have no experience with it. I have sim angus cows with no...
  8. YoungGunCattle

    Northern Ice Calves, registerable?????????????????????

    we have a few calves that are out of northern ice and commercial sim/ang cows and i was wondering if they were registerable as chi's or maintainers???
  9. YoungGunCattle

    Bedding sand?????

    I have heard of people using sand in their coolers for bedding and i was wondering exactly what type of sand it was and what you think of this idea and any other thoughts on bedding
  10. YoungGunCattle

    What are some good charlois cross bulls

    I would like you guys' opinion on what bull i should breed this cow to. She is a hfr in her picture but will be haveing her second calf this spring. I am thining about going char cross on her but not for sure. What are some good bulls you would breed her to preferably char cross but will listen...
  11. YoungGunCattle

    Defect free vs dirty bulls

    There are alot of different opinions about dirty (Defect carrying, specifically th & pha) bulls. Some say that it is ok to use them as long as your cow is clean and you wont have any problems. Whats yall's opinion.