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  1. G

    Giving Thanks

    We sure can say we have a lot to be thankful here on the farm.  Having God giving us a new day with a Healthy family, healthy cows, being able to take in air and being able to do what we love. The list can be endless. Especially thankful for all the support our son Logan has been given for the...
  2. G

    Heifer Give Away, VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

    We have some exciting news and we’d like your help!!! Our son Logan entered Stockshow Confidential’s “Put me in the winner’s circle” contest. The prize is a heifer from Sullivan Ranch! There are only 5 national finalist, and Logan is one of them! Sullivan Ranch Heifer Winner agrees to the...
  3. G

    New Show "Central Wisconsin Spring Fling" Jackpot

    We are starting a new spring show this next May in Wautoma, WI. Check out our website, like us on facebook. This is a jr. steer jackpot and open heifer show. The rules and registration are online. Website constanly getting updated, visit often. Any questions you can...
  4. G

    Feeding pigs corn silage

    Has anyone feed their pigs corn silage instead of grain and have you tasted the meat? My thought would the meat shouldn't taste any different. Looking into the future with corn prices. And if you did feed corn silage about how much per day? Thank you any and all help is welcomed. 