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  1. L

    Transport companies?

    Where do I go to look for a transport company? We bought a steer on a recent trip to Ohio and need to get him hauled to FL. The seller contacted a hauler he has used when purchasing cattle from out west. The hauler has not gotten back to me. Where would look for a company?
  2. L

    My Daughter's Fair Steer

    This is my daughter's steer for this year's fair. Our fair is the second week of October. What do we need to do between now and then to finish him? He is currently eating a 12% all stock ration. 24 pounds a day. We will seitch to Sunglo Finisher this Saturday after our first weigh in. Any...
  3. L

    Supplements to help weight gain

    I posted early about daughter's steer. We are looking at Purina supplements to help with weight gain. I am not sure if we need champion drive,heavyweight or power fuel. The steer is eating southern states bull test now but slowly switching over to finishing touch. He does not seem to like the...
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    New to showing steers. Need some advice

    My daughter is showing a steer in our fair in October. We have a couple of questions. First, her steer has a wart on his forehead. He has rubbed it on a post and rubbed part of it off. It is flat against his head now so nothing really to grab to try and pull it off. Will it go away on its own or...
  5. L

    buying a steer where do I look?

    Looking for a show steer for my daughter to show next year. I have no idea where to even begin looking no local breeders that breed show or club calves. I am located in North Fl.