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  1. R

    Cattle Viewpoints

    The Heritage Shorthorn Society (HSS) has introduced a bi-monthly series of articles called "Cattle Viewpoints" by well-known individuals in the Shorthorn Industry.  These informative and interesting articles will cover a variety of topics about Heritage "Native" Shorthorns and cattle in...
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    Shorthorn History Buffs

    For those interested in Shorthorn history check out the new historical section on the Heritage Shorthorn Society website ( that is being written by Dr. Bert Moore.  He is presenting what he considers to be the most important Shorthorn bulls and cows, along with pictures...
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    Heritage Shorthorn Society

    For those interested in older Shorthorn genetics there is a new Shorthorn organization called the "Heritage Shorthorn Society"  It contains a lot of reference material from old Shorthorn semen codes to Shorthorn books to older Shorthorn bull pictures.  There is an...