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  1. C

    Leg Hair Care

    I'm sure this topic has been brought up many times. But what is the best way to grow leg hair. I use a roto brush daily.
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    monopoly 2

    What do you guys think of Monopoly 2                                                                                                                                          Would you guys breed him to a Charolais cross cow (suggestions)
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    calves with bloody poop

    having troubles in the feedlot with calves pooping out bloody poop but everyone looks healthy does anyone know whats wrong
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    what do u guys think of my steer

    what do u guys think of my steer
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    washing in winter

    is it a good idea to wash in the winter. i live where the wind blows all the time and it gets kinda windy in the winter. what would be the best way to wash
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    charolette cross cow

    i have a pretty big charolette cross  cow and i was wondering what would be a good club calf bull for her. she has plenty of frame.  im hopin to get a good deep bodied calf out of her.      ANY SUGGESTIONS