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  1. H

    Bling show cattle halters!

    Also, free shipping code is Halter2!
  2. H

    Bling show cattle halters!

    Hello everyone! The show season is here and come and check out my bling halter. New styles are up! Go check them out!!
  3. H

    Bling show cattle halters!

    They range from $90-110. I am in the process of making more for my etsy page. There are only three left and all are $90. I can do a custom one for $100 with free shipping. I will be raising my custom order price  after the new year. I'm glad you show interest. Just started this and I am hoping...
  4. H

    Hello Cattle World!

    Hello! My name is Heather Waldrop and I am new here. I have sown cattle (mainly Brangus) for the past 12 years. My dad works for SunnyBrook Farms in Madison Ms. We just started our own herd about 5 years ago. Our farm is Crimson Springs. We have Brangus, Ultra Blacks, Simmental, Angus, and...
  5. H

    Bling show cattle halters!

    Here are some additional pictures
  6. H

    Bling show cattle halters!

    Bling up your cattle at the next big show with my halters! They have true swarovski rhinestones on the conchos and buckles. I can put any color stone on the silver (many styles to choose from). You pick. These are guaranteed not to come off. One set comes with 2 buckles and three conchos...