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  1. RundelLivestock


    AJ just pissing people off lol! AJ maybe a pot stirring sob but damn it sure is fun talking cattle with him! He's more of a maternal producer I can say that from buying heifers from him and clipping his cattle as well. I don't know what wrong with someone having an opinion on a bull or cow or...
  2. RundelLivestock

    May 25th Humboldt Nebraska, cattle, goat, and sheep show

    Also is this a full fit show?
  3. RundelLivestock

    May 25th Humboldt Nebraska, cattle, goat, and sheep show

    Is this show open to out of staters?
  4. RundelLivestock


    As far as structure problems I don't see that as a problem if you breed to a sound cow.  I think he's a bull that'll at some foot, bone, muscle,and ribshape.  I was really impressed with how he looked in Denver by far the most complete bull on display in the yards.
  5. RundelLivestock

    New Angus Ads (no need for crossbreeding)

    Couldn't agree more!!!  (clapping)
  6. RundelLivestock

    New Angus Ads (no need for crossbreeding)

    Cabanha Santa Isabel you are extremely misinformed. I can tell you I've done my share of torching and clipping Angus bulls along with going to a number bull sales and I have yet to come across in the past couple of years that have had horns or markings.  I don't know what's going on where you're...
  7. RundelLivestock

    New Angus Ads (no need for crossbreeding)

    This is a damn interesting topic!  In my own opinion every breed has good and every breed has bad we've seen this with PHA in Maines, Curly Calf in Angus, Marble Bone in Red Angus.  Even though I am strictly a clubbie guy myself I've got a couple of Angus cows.  Yes, I breed some of them to...
  8. RundelLivestock

    Red Angus bull: Firestorm

    What's this bulls frame score, birth weight, and calving ease?
  9. RundelLivestock


    Need some information on calves sired by the Angus bull HF Prowler 843 really liked that amount of power this bull offers and the fact he's an outcross to most of the American Angus genetics.  I need to know what kind of bulls and heifers this guy produces!
  10. RundelLivestock

    Sell him as a show steer, or keep him a bull? New Pic on 8/11/13

    I would cut him as a bull he doesn't fit the bill in my mind.  A bull is supposed to be stout and ruggedly designed! For a Maine he doesn't have that added power the foot and bone size he may have some incredible genetics but phenotypically he looks like a heifer! Lautner isn't going to waste...