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  1. P

    Interesting reading on the elections

    So you believe everything a politician tells you?  That right there proves my point about Americans.  Tell them what they want to hear and they will believe it.  What makes you so sure that she is being so honest, and not telling you what your itching ears want to hear?  Geez, I guess you would...
  2. P

    Interesting reading on the elections

    Now who all is naive and gullible enough to believe the lies that come out of both candidates mouths?  JESSE VENTURA FOR PRESIDENT 2012
  3. P

    God is so good
  4. P

    God is so good

    Glad your family is ok, however I think seat belts and airbags are what saved your family.  Not so much God alone.  Sorry if that offends you or anyone else, however I see things from a realistic point of view.  In reality some people are not as blessed and looked on with as much favor by God...
  5. P

    emails (political diatribe)

    Here is a video for some of you to watch.
  6. P

    emails (political diatribe)

    Voting will not fix this country's problems.  I don't care who you vote for it aint' gonna matter, because all of these politicians are a bunch of liars and crooks.  They tell all naive Americans what they want to hear and they know most Americans are stupid enough to believe it.  As for the...
  7. P

    emails (political diatribe)

    I find it quiet ridiculous that so many Americans in this modern day age feel they have to rely on a 2,000 year old text called the "Bible" that was written back during a time period when people lived in superstition.  God gave us all a brain along with intellectual thinking so we can make...