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  1. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    different ways of buliding muscle

    BIG PROBLEM! !!  with chariots and have them stand on something to eat- by having the front legs to high, it WILL break down the loin, so yes it will build up the rear but break down the loin. i guess its up to each to weigh their option. We tried chariot, blocks, and liked what a plastic...
  2. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    2012 Judges- What has everyone heard they want?

    I heard Dumas at San Antonio is gonna be a potluck show- who knows what hes gonna go for. What about the other judges?
  3. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    Whether lamb for sale in Central Tx (also would like opinions)

    Nice late Feb born Strube bred whether for sale super long nice rack and loin will be tough to get around at majors. For more info please email me at [email protected].
  4. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    Horse Feed

    On our Market steers we always stood by crocked corn & barley mixed with golden flo in a crock pot then rationed into 2-4 oz baggies and a baggie would be fed each feeding.
  5. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    Exercising Lambs.

    Absolutely! We worked lambs and goats along side each other, and they loved jumping on the barrels all day long. (while the goats played, we had a southdown that would place his front legs atop the barrel and slide down the rest of the way. lol
  6. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    Exercising Lambs.

    We always used a chariot connected to a rideing mower and we had a long run with plastic barrels cut in half and whole on their side they had to jump to get from the water on one end to the other with feed.
  7. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    Stephenville Prospect show

    I went to the clinic after the show & caught the last couple breeds. The yellow aob calf was just  beautiful!
  8. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    For Golden FLo users

    We always swore by crocking 2-3 folger cans of corn & a folger can of barley, put quite a bit of golden flo (until we could stir the mix easily with a spoon) then measured out quarter and half pound baggies and froze. Each morning & evening each calf would get a 1/2 lb bag and we also used it...
  9. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    Steer and Heifer Shows

    There is a show coming up at the Tarleton ag farm in Stephenville Tx, April 16th and 17th
  10. Shelby_Loves_Moo

    $20,000 will be awarded thru Sullivan Supply Scholarships

    it says 2 pages max for the essay, is there a specific spacing preferred? or would it be best to stick to double spacing just to be safe?