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  1. M

    best fitters

    If ur into that sort of thing? 100,000 dollars hell yes I'm into that sort of thing!! Wow!!
  2. M


    WOW!! Intelligent? Not so much! To sit around n argue about a prediction? Get a life people! Jus cz a bonham steer won san antonio or whatever doesn't mean they will continue to win!!! Seriously I think its you all being a bit imature and still sore losers about SA!! I'm sure yall didn't have a...
  3. M

    San Antonio Results

    What do yall think about the champion angus?
  4. M

    best fitters

    ya ya all those fitters could be good. Listen to to word GOOD! But if you want someone GREAT that competes in the toughest show steer state you need to hit up Colbie Collins, Jay Carr, breelyn Brookshyre,and team. You haven't seen great nor good until you have watched these men fit a steer!!!! 