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  1. R

    Sure Champ in Nebraska

    If you're needing a way to find Sure Champ in Nebraska, just pm me and I will help you to the nearest dealer or find a way to get you some. Thanks
  2. R

    Anyone live in Springfield, IL area?

    I have a friend traveling to Ohio for a rodeo and she needs a place to rest her horse for a night.  Suggestions for places that would board a horse in that area would be appreciated.  Thanks.
  3. R

    Recipe for Chin-ball Marker Paint?

    Anybody have any home concoctions?
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    Red Cow Locator....Best Ole's Oscar Son?

    Absolutely love the females I have out of Ole's Oscar.  What son's out of him should I be sampling?  I really like the Anticipation bull that C Bar raised.  Any others that you or anyone has seen?  Thanks
  5. R

    Perfect Storm (Red Angus)..

    Has anyone used him or seen any of his offspring? TIA
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    Feeding Rice Bran

    I know its been mentioned many times on here, but what is the recommended amount fed/head/day of rice bran? TIA
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    Mixing Ratio Please...Kleen Sheen, vinegar, Liniment Hair Stim

    Can someone please post the mixing ratio for Kleen Sheen, vinegar, and Liniment Hair Stimulator?  TIA
  8. R

    Paging Road Warrior

    Have you seen many Red Northline Fat Tony calves this year?  What's your thoughts? 
  9. R

    Full Tank vs. Depth Charge

    I have used Full Tank in the past and liked the results.  Have read some good comments on Depth Charge and was wondering what the differences between the two products are. TIA