building a website

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Active member
May 25, 2008
I want to have a website, but am not sure which company to use. I know several are available but who provides the best service at the best price etc?? Some websites are built and then you never see any updates. i think that is ineffective. So who should I call???


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
My wide Chris, designs and maintains several websites, including some for national breed organizations. She also does ad design and layout, designs and publishes two breed magazines and does many sale catalogs each year. I think her rates are pretty good, which she can provide since she works from home. Most of her websites are for cattle clients, however, she has also done some for horse breeders, government organizations and education programs.  If you are interested in some prices, send me a pm.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Coop said:
I want to have a website, but am not sure which company to use. I know several are available but who provides the best service at the best price etc?? Some websites are built and then you never see any updates. i think that is ineffective. So who should I call???

I just had EDJE update/refresh my original site which was built by their now-partners, C.O.W.S.  I love it and found working with then was easy and trouble free.  I had in the past questioned their responsiveness but have nothing but good things to say about my most recent experience.  You can see the new look at


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
Edge is doing the association website for our sheep, and I am very unpleased with it...  I know it might not be all their fault- since they are only as good as the lady who is sending them info- but the organization part of the website is lacking...


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
kfacres said:
Edge is doing the association website for our sheep, and I am very unpleased with it...  I know it might not be all their fault- since they are only as good as the lady who is sending them info- but the organization part of the website is lacking...

You're right.  It's only as good as what is being asked to be included. 


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2008
NW Kansas
My husband and I build and maintain websites and have several clients.  We have probably the cheapest rates around and I make updates fast. And, the big kicker....we only charge for time spent doing something. If it takes 5 minutes, it is 5 minutes billed.

we also are doing a breed association website and several cattle breeders.

Good luck in your search. My biggest pet peave is sites that are not updated. 


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
^ I agree about doing your own.  Not sure about, but that's only because I don't know anything about them.  

I've been doing some sites (even non-cattle) for free & others for pennies on the $.  I probably need to be charging more.  ;)  

Here is one of my freebies... (complete with a blog, a generic message board, etc.)  

To the OP... I've hired others & I've done it myself.  I'd strongly consider doing one yourself... It's not that hard, it's cheaper & you are in total control.  If I can do a website, just about anybody can.  Plus, the ONLY WAY anybody can update your site is if you send them the material.  It takes almost as much time to get the material together as it does to put that material online.  If somebody else did my site, I'd spend quite a bit more $$, spend almost as much time, & I highly doubt that I would do any better selling what I have.  If I had a different breed or a different customer base, it might be different, but I think that marketing is more about the cattle (pedigree, picture, results, etc.), your own reputation, & your sales pitch, than it is about whether or not your website is a little more impressive to the eye.  Presentation is important, but sometimes good enough, is good enough.  Now if you are marketing a bunch of $30-50K heifers, it might be different, but if that was the case, you probably wouldn't be on Steerplanet asking opinions about the Web Designer with the "best service at the best price".   My advice... consider doing it yourself.  But, that is just my humble opinion.            

BTW, do a Google search for Shorthorn Embryos... #2 is "OFS Shorthorn Embryos - Shorthorn Genetics."   I did that page just for the fun of it, more or less just goofing off... it's another "freebie" that I did.   Out of all of the Shorthorn Websites, that page is ranked #2 in Google for "Shorthorn Embryos" & it's #5 in Google for "Shorthorn Embryos For Sale".  And again, I was just goofing off!!  If people can't find your site, it doesn't matter how fancy it is.  On the same note...  That Eastern Lowline site is #3 in Google for "Lowline Angus" & #5 for "Lowline Angus Cattle".  I've got several sites & each has a high ranking for a strategic key word/s.  If a person really wanted, they could do even better than I am doing in the rankings, but my motto is... "good enough is good enough".  I don't really desire to be doing any better than I currently am & if I dropped some, I wouldn't be too bothered.  But, if somebody is perfectionist, the sky is the limit, especially if you are patient & have the knowledge, the time & possibly the $$ to spend.                

If you want a flash intro, you can do those too, but I don't advise it because of the search engines.  

If you want to do your own site & need help doing your own web site, let me know.  



Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
To learn from TJ's example...

-Shorthorn embyros is in the URL
-Shorthorn embyros is in the title tag
-"SHORTHORN EMBRYOS FOR SALE" is near the top of the page
-There is relatively low competition for the phrase

If that page were linked to from the rest of the site in the header links with "shorthorn embyros" I virtually guarantee it would boost to the top spot.