calf standing funny

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Has anyone ever had a calf stand like this? Can you fix it with a chiropractor? Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you . Calf is a Believe in me in case anyone was wondering


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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
If calf was normal and is now getting worse not better, it is time to make arrangements for his date with the meat processor.  Once they start bucking over in the knees they generally get worse with time and weight.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  This one is what most people would commonly describe as bucking over and most do get worse as time passes and they become heavier. I say that it is a structural issue period but it may be caused by contracted tendons. If you study the shoulder anatomy of this calf, they just don't fit in there like they need to, to be correct. A lot of these calves will end up having to be put down and a few will make it to a light locker calf weight.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
Hey folks, it has been a while, and I am very sorry. Things have been really tuff out here for ole Cowboy since the accient last year. This post reminds me a lot of a time when our dear friend RED had a hfr calf bucking over really bad, and every one said she had to be put down, she was a structural wreck and abnormal. Well, by this picture, this calf DOES look to toe out a bunch, but may be due to the same thing as Red's calf was. I got hammered pretty hard by a couple individuals we all know by posting my thoughts as to her possible condition, so I have to be carefull. Red's hfr actually had navel ill. Once manifested, it progresses to the point where they look just like this one. Bucked over real bad and will tend to not place their feet where they need to be. We can't see the rear legs here, but they are probly pretty straight as well. I suggested Red give her hfr a chance, and to give her 7 days of good old Penicillin. Later that fall, well after treatment, she not only recovered, but was one of her best hfr calves and sold for over 3000$ if I remember. 2008

Penn costs a couple bucks per dose, is the calf worth it??? It may very well be too late on this one, how old is it by the way. Navel ill is hard to see some times, it doesn't always show up as a big hard navel, it is sneaky. It doesn't take to long before the joints are permanently disfigured however.

I will try to get back here more often, it has been a very hard and long year now since I almost died, and I haven't felt the best. Now, I just need to look out of the window and see the donor pen FULL like it used to be, it sucks to be empty!! Cheers to all, Terry


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2013
Knox County Nebraska
Yay Cowboy!!!!
I'm sure the pen will fill up if you're ready to go back to work. I doubt if there is another with more skill than you.