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Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
How can a QB go from completing 6 of 22 for 60 yards and an interception against KC Chiefs and 13 of 30 for 185 yards with 1 TD and 4 interceptions against Buffalo to going 10 of 21 for 316 yards and 2 TDS against Pittsburg who is suppose to have a better defense than KC and Buffalo. Tebow wants to be great QB and puts in a 110% every game but sorry he will never be an elite QB, not accurate enough. Good Cinderella story but New England beat Denver in Denver and they will put a beating on Denver at Foxboro. But I don't have much room to talk as I'm a Rams fan who went 2-14 but hey we have the 2nd pick in the draft and Jeff Fischer is going to be the new head coach in a couple of days.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
One reason they won is because back 7 of steelers kept inching in the box and somehow the ow was able to exploit that just enough. If steelers wouldn't have tried to out guess themselves they might have won.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
It looks to me like he has a harder time with the short passes, so it makes me wonder if he throws hard enough that receivers have a hard time handlong the ball at close range and he is trying to finesse his throws and nothing works like you would normally think it should. His longer throws are nice and pretty accurate in general. JMO

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
DBL J1 said:
That 80 yard TD pass looked pretty accurate !
Everyone gets lucky from time to time and that 80 yard TD was a 10 to 15 yard pass that the receiver did the rest. With how far the defenders were of that receiver, a high school QB could have thrown that pass. Tebow 2011 year QB rating (72.9) and his completion percentage (46.5) speaks for its self. Pittsburg lost that game cause they were playing the run every down. Then Roethlisberger could not move around on his bum ankle. Either way with those stats, nobody with any football knowledge would call that accurate, it speaks for itself.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
I know it is going to be a tough task to beat the Pats at home. But I really think if the Broncos play like they can play they have a chance. I really hope they can knock them out of the playoffs since Mc Dummy is back with them. He totally ruined a once proud franchise in less than 2 years and it would be fitting for the only thing he did right ( drafting Tebow ) would send them home. As far as his inconstant performance, he is only human, how would you like to hear day after day that you couldn't do your job? After while you might start to believe it, for awhile. The kitchen was empty when Fox took over and he had multitudes of fans to feed. Five games into the season he looked at Tebow and said "The fans are still hungry and I only have 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish left." and Tim said "We have enough for all of them let ME cook." and he did! I'm not real football smart but I do know baseball. We have had several kids drafted into the pros from our area and one thing I have learned is when you draft a pitcher DON'T try changing his mechanics!!!! He has been throwing that way for over 10 years by then and you are going to cause problems either physically or mentally. If you don't like the way he throws DON'T DRAFT HIM! Go Broncos... Go TEBOW OHOH <party>


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Zeeland, MI
To everyone bashing Tebow  about his mechanics, last time i checked, mechanics did not win games, ask Jamarcus Russell how his mechanics worked out for him. Tebow is a great football player and knows how to win. Besides, who sets the standards for throwing mechanics anyway? 2 douche bags who never played football in their life. I also be most of you never played the game either (at least not past high school)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
bryan6807 said:
To everyone bashing Tebow  about his mechanics, last time i checked, mechanics did not win games, ask Jamarcus Russell how his mechanics worked out for him. Tebow is a great football player and knows how to win. Besides, who sets the standards for throwing mechanics anyway? 2 douche bags who never played football in their life. I also be most of you never played the game either (at least not past high school)

i played inter-mural in grad school and we beat the undergrads.  called all our plays at the line, 1,2 or 3.  course we were stacked with a bunch of jocks and rolled.


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
I like the guy and can admit that his throwing motion is just flat out terrible.  You don't have to be a hall of fame QB to realize that dropping the ball down to your knee to wind up isn't the proper throwing motion for a reason.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
I played high school ball and played Linebacker. I like Tebow as a person, he is still not a quality QB. The guy wants to win more than anyone. I did not say anything about his mechanics in throwing, If it works stick with it, don't care if he throws underhand. But the bottom line is his passing stats still speak for itself and by NFL quality, he is at the bottom as far as QB rating and completion percentage goes which is mainly determined by the QB's accuracy.  My wife is a huge Denver, fan and I listen to this Tebow this Tebow that after I told her Pittsburgh was going to walk all over Denver, well now I have to wait another week till New England walks all over them. New England has a poor pass defense but very few teams can keep up with the amount of points New England puts up besides the Packers and Saints.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
I find all of us arm chair QB's pretty funny. Here is the way I see it, to the guys that want to bash Tbow. Here is a guy that put him self through school as one of the very best athletes in the nation and has went on to play professional football and is being paid to play a game while we sit and watch for the entertainment and you guys have the audacity to bash a guy that is getting paid (I am guessing here) $4 or 5 Million dollars a year. What, his contract was $18 million for 5 years? So I guess you can say what ever you like about his throwing mechanics or that he will never be a top tear QB, that's fine but I don't see you out there making squat. Sorry but squabbling over the mans ability to throw the ball is kind of stupid.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2012
SW. Iowa
Big M Show Cattle said:
DBL J1 said:
That 80 yard TD pass looked pretty accurate !
Everyone gets lucky from time to time and that 80 yard TD was a 10 to 15 yard pass that the receiver did the rest. With how far the defenders were of that receiver, a high school QB could have thrown that pass. Tebow 2011 year QB rating (72.9) and his completion percentage (46.5) speaks for its self. Pittsburg lost that game cause they were playing the run every down. Then Roethlisberger could not move around on his bum ankle. Either way with those stats, nobody with any football knowledge would call that accurate, it speaks for itself.

The reason they were playing the run every down is because Denver is the number one rushing team.  Tebow is a part of that.  As they said on ESPN.  The play they ran is actually almost like a double play action.  RUN TO THE TAIL BACK  TEBOW RUN  THEN THE PASS  a triple threat play.  He will continue to see open receivers because of the other things he can do.  You can not judge him PURELY as a passer in the mold of manning/brady because he can do OTHER things as well that make it easier for him to pass.    Pitt had to crowd the line of scrimmage, becasue if they didn't, they would have been eaten alive 5-8 yards at a time.    Aren't many QB's in the league that can make Harrison loose his jock, let alone guys the size of a full back......  More then a one trick pony.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2012
SW. Iowa
Also, yes the td pass was short to intermediate  pass and  long run.  ball probably went 15 or so yards past the line of scrmmage which is much farther then alot of brady's passes.    Low completion percentage is partly related to the fact that he is throwing down filed a lot, is throwing on the run a lot, several DROPS, and throwing AWAY from defenders instead of TO his receivers.

Just saw this.......

Tebows favorite bible verse  JOHN 3:16

Tebows passing yards  316

average per completion  31.6

TV rating for fourth quarter    31.6

insert theme music from twilight zone......


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
Who is bashing Tebow?

To put it into show steer terms, he's a an otherwise great steer that's starting to break behind his shoulders and pops his pasterns when he walks.

Does that matter?  No, not really if you are looking at the short term and ignore the 'expert opinion' about what they are supposed to look like.  Long term though, those flaws will cause problems.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Being able to pass on the run and more or less off balance makes him dangerous to me-because he seemed pretty accurate passing from the left or right. However-if he keeps running the ball straight ahead-and not sliding,he aint gonna last that long. O0


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2008
The only numbers that really matter are the ones on the scoreboard @ the end of the game .

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
Jeff_Schroeder said:
Who is bashing Tebow?

That's what I would like to know, all these Tebow lovers. I said I don't dislike the guy and think he is a great person and great athlete, just not a great QB. So every time someone says something about Tebow, Oh no you can't say that. I only speak the truth as his numbers can speak for itself.

DBL J1 said:
The only numbers that really matter are the ones on the scoreboard @ the end of the game .

Yes it is and last time I checked Football was a TEAM sport and not an individual person sport. Broncos are where they are cause of there running game and there defense. Bronco's had the number 1 rushing attack for a reason, cause they were not moving the ball through the air and Pittsburg played the run and got beat.