New shower/calf

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Aug 6, 2014
This my first calf but I showed one last year for my cousin. She is a Charolais and turned a year old Aug. 3 and has not yet been to a show. When we got her from the breeder, we we're told she had been weaned and was very gentle. She acted excellent the first day but caught wind of another herd and went through 3 fences. She is good as far as walking up to her and petting on but as soon as she sees a lead rope she takes off the other way. You never know how she's going to act until you go out there and is very inconsistent as far as acting right. Our county fair in in less than 2 weeks and we would like it to be her first show since there are not a lot of people in it. I could really use some advice as far as getting her to do what I need her to do, getting use to other cows and keeping her knees clean! I have tried scrubbing and everything else I can think of and they still will not come clean!

Barry Farms

Well-known member
Jan 21, 2013
North East MO
Is she in a group? Being in a group is important for cows, they are a herd animal. She needs a buddy for at home and she will be fine at the shows because of all of the other animals. I would GUESS that most of the problems would end if she were in a group


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
Southeastern Wisconsin
Sometimes you just get calves like that. We had one this year who would come up to you in a 2 acre night pasture but would turn into Satan once on a halter. You'll just have to put her in the pasture and find a new one I'm afraid.
Aug 6, 2014
She's not with another group of calves but she is in a pen with 2 goats that she gets along great with.  She's not really that bad with leading she will just balk sometimes and the only person that can get her to walk when she does that is my dad.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
It sounds like the heifer has the situation figured out. She knows what she can get away with and with who. Have you been tying her up? I had a heifer like this a few years ago. She got away in the yard one day and ran for 5 miles til she found other cows. Once she got into a routine tho and realized what was going on she calmed right down. Your just going to have to try to do more work with her so she knows you will make her too.
Aug 6, 2014
I've been tying her up to stretch her neck muscles and working with her from about 6:00 am to lunch, going into eat then coming back out and staying till sundown.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2009
259're very dedicated to your heifer and getting her ready.  I really admire your dedication.  Keep working with her like you are.  I would tie her up with her head high for about 3 hours every morning.  If you can I would blow her out and rinse her, blow/brush her dry. Then tie her down so she can rest. The more you brush and mess with her the better. It sounds like your doing a good job with her.

It may help to practice leading and setting her up in a small more confined area where she wouldn't be as apt to act up and get away. When you lead her outside have an adult with you in case she acts up. She just needs to get used to you being in control. It would probably be good for her to get to another place to get clipped or something before your fair.  Sometimes just hauling them and taking somewhere unfamiliar will help when it comes to the fair.

Just keep working and I'll bet she comes around. If she acts up at the first show don't get too discouraged.  This happens to us all and is nothing to be ashamed of.  Sounds like you are working very hard.  I am betting their is a project leader or someone in your county you could get some helpful advice from as well.  Don't give up.  Good luck.
Aug 6, 2014
I've had her for about 6 months and I've been working with her since. I started out just going out and talking to her and playing music so she would get use to me and noise then when she was comfortable with me I stated working with her as far as leading and setting up.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2009
Valley Mills, Texas
If your heifer is not quite ready to show don't get discouraged.  Load her up anyway and take her to the show, tie her to the trailer and let her get used to folks and strange things.  Groom her, feed her but maybe save the real showing for the next time.  Better safe that hurt.  Good luck.