Noahs flood

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
After studying geological soil levels in the are.....I got to think about about the flood. It was supposed to be 2,000 years ago. If it was a global flood and not only in europe or where ever. I got to wondering about elevations of various area's. You have areas around sea level. Then say Goodland ks at say 3600 feet above sea level. Limon Colorado at around 5,000 feet. Then the Continental divide around what....13,000 feet. Then you have mountains in the old world also. In order to fllod the 13,000 ft mountain it would take alot more water than flooding world wide at the say 1,500 elevation level. Would elevations make a difference or did ever bit of land get swallowed up?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
land moves up and down depending upon how much pressure is on it.

so, during the ice age, perhaps the land was pushed down, and when the ice was removed, the land moved somewhat up.

adjacent land mass to water tends to supposedly move up

the earth is a big balloon.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I don't profess to be a bibliogical scholar, but I believe 2,000 years ago was the time of Jesus and the flood occurred some time before then.  I also remember something about a bird that was sent out from the ark and came back with a leaf or branch that let Noah know that some land was above water.  I think God probably covered up the highest mountain tops with water during the flood in case some bad person had sought refuge there, but maybe the mountain ranges in Kansas were higher than I thought they were.

dutch pride

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2007
SW Michigan
Noah's flood would have occurred almost 4000 years ago according to Biblical timelines. The Bible does say that water covered the whole earth but to the people it was written to; the "whole earth" was a very small piece of the planet as we now know it. So, do you take this literally or do you interprate it in light of the context it was written in. I believe you need to concider the context and assume that only the know and inhabited parts of the earth were covered with water, not the whole planet as we now know it.



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
God knows ... Noah's Ark was said to have settled most of the way up Mt.Ararat(Gen. 8:3) But when it settled that high up then I would assume most of the inhabited world would have been under water. I know there was enough to drown everyone but the 8 people (Gen. 7:13) and animals in the Ark. Noah and crew had been in the Ark for sometime before the dove which was sent after a raven could find a place to set his feet. Ref (Genesis Chapter 8)


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
justintime said:
When it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, Weyburn, Saskatchewan had 1.5 inches.
Good job too because there sure aren't any mountains! 


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
The oldest parts of the Old Testament are remarkably accurate, but there are a few facts in my opinion that a person must be aware of if they want to start looking for proof of biblical events:

First of all, the actual time period represented by the Old Testament is immense.  For example, the period between the first cities mentioned and the time of Moses is much, much longer than the time period between current day and when Jesus lived.

The oldest events occurred long before there was writing.  The history of these events was recorded via oral traditions that were passed down for no telling how many generations.

Now, about the flood:

Fact:  Civilization and religion first developed in what we broadly call the middle east.  Towns developed in the last few thousand years.  The last Ice Age "ended" roughly 10,000 years ago.  Prior to and during that Ice Age (actually several events), human populations were small, scattered, and were nothing more than hunter-gatherer societies with very limited agriculture.  No permanent construction skills.  Warming of the climate allowed human populations to expand greatly since then along with subsequent development of technology.

Fact:  There isn't enough water (by orders of magnitude) in the atmosphere, on the earth, and inside the earth to have raised sea levels above the top of Mount Everest (which would still have been the tallest point on earth 10-20,000 years ago.  Was there ever that much water on earth - extremely unlikely.  However, following the end of the ice age (which ended gradually) for a few thousand years, rivers were much larger and occupied much larger floodplains (which can still be easily seen) and sea levels began rising as water trapped on land in the form of ice melted and ran down to the oceans.

Fact:  Almost every culture and religion has a "great flood" story.  Pretty strong evidence that something big and traumatic happened.

Current popular theory:  As sea levels began to rise, they flooded into previously dry basins.  There are several known examples, including the English Channel.  The greatest is example is the Black Sea.  The most popular theories is that the global flood stories originated from this area.  The area now occupied by the Black Sea is a basin, that probably always had some water in it from rivers and lakes and was probably very fertile.  Hence, there were a lot of towns and villages in the region.  There is strong evidence that the Mediterranean probably broke through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits in a cataclysmic event - triggered by glacial melting and even huge rains right at the end, and flooded the basin.  There would have been evidence something big was about to happen.  Through divine guidance and intelligence, "Noah" probably figured that out and built a boat and survived it.  Pull up the Black Sea on Google Earth and look at how big it is.  Anyone stuck in a boat on the middle of it would not have been able to have seen land and could easily have drifted for a long time.

It was several thousand years before anyone could have know what the whole world consisted of.  In reality, few people knew what the world consisted of 1000 miles away.  Most lived their lives within a few hundred miles if that. 

Personally, I'm fascinated by the reports of the Ark on Mount Ararat.  I always have been since a little kid in he 70s when I remember seeing some show about it on a mystery series (I forget the name - but I bet a bunch of you watched it - they covered all kinds of topics from Bigfoot, the Amityville Horror, UFOs, etc).  Supposedly, a Chinese team recently got inside the "Ark", but I haven't heard much lately so I suspect it got debunked.  Wouldn't it be amazing if it were ever found up there?

Fairly regularly you can find shows on the subject on the History Channel.  They are probably available by DVD if you were really interested.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
If they found Noahs Ark, could the schools teach the Big Bang Theory or Evolution? I think it would be the biggest discovery ever and answer a lot of questions for some nonbelievers.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I watched the show that had supposed photos taken from inside the ark.  Very fascinating show, can't wait until they do the sequel.  I apologize for assuming the original post on this topic was an attempt at humor.  I thought that most everyone would know that the flood happened more than 2,000 years ago.  By the way, our church is taking a trip to Minnesota in a couple of weeks to see the Dead Sea Scrolls.  Should be a great trip.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2010
God requires we believe some things with out physical proof of their existence!  The Flood has been one of those to me, because of the complexity of understanding and believing this occurred.


Active member
Feb 23, 2010
common people....haven't you watched The Librarian?  The ark, along with all the other world treasures, is in a big vault in the New York Metropolitan Library!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I guess I was wondering if there was a ouside chance of the following. There was a clovis culture all around. Florida coast to California on and on around the 11,500 years ago. I gobal flood occured 4,000 years ago. Synamis and high water made coastline cultures assume room temperature. Areas  around the Rocky mountain foothills survived. Maybe a global flood did more damage then the "altithermal". Just a goofball theory from an animal science guy. ::)