Opinions on Angus Bull Calf

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2008
Waterloo IL
Yes the calf was just weaned about a month ago and is still very green. I would have to guess him to weigh between 450-500 pounds. So far the two fairs that I have gone to he has been the biggest in the class. The judge at my fair said that he was the best bull there but couldn't give that young of a calf grand.(He was going against year and a half old bulls)  His birth weight was 73 lbs but his epd's don't show it. But I can see where some of you can say that he looks sickle hock because the way he is standing.

6M Ranch

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2007
Pedigrees to me, don't mean a lot, other than in advertising.  There could hundreds or thousands of calves with the exact same bloodlines.  Our Angus clean up bull is a full brother to KG Dakota.  There were three others at the same sale.  Nobody is beating down my door to buy semen.  People post  a couple of tiny pictures on these forums, ask for opinions, and don't like it if someone doesn't feed them rainbows.  Much like the opinions of people who say he is great, they're just as worthless as my opinion.

the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
6M, I MO pedigrees mean a ton,especially in the angus breed.there is actual data to go by and far more predictability.if he thinks he is going to hit a home run,thats probably not going to happen.imo a commercial guy would be better off with him thansome knothead bull bought at a salebarn.as far as that goes on pedigrees,i am not using heatwave on a heifer.this being example of knowing pedigees.rusty


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2008
Waterloo IL
Just to clear things up I didn't think that I had the next best bull in the world. I just thought that I had a decent calf. Sometimes i get blind to my own cattle and I would like to see what everybody else thought of him. I would like to know what everybody thinks of him no matter if it's good or bad.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
Very functional type bull calf that I think would do some people a lot of good especially to raise functional Angus females .  Angus bulls are like the one guy says are dime a dozen, but in my experience just cause there good don't mean they will sell, sometimes I've seen people not buy the best bull but from a friend or relative.  I don't think he is a show bull but that might be a plus for you, look what a mess the Angus breed has gotton into, one breeder commented in the Angus paper that you can crossbred right in the breed because of all the different types of Angus they have. Right now it is hard to know what to bred to in the Angus , they are trying to straighten out the previous breeding programs people have used if you know what I mean . We are using the bloodlines that you mentioned on this calf , their is more money in raising good cattle like what you have an establish a market at home then chasing these show's an sales , I know from experience, shows an sales do provide a way to get your cattle out in front of people , but plan on it being a investment in advertising not a money making deal because of all the expenses  .


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2008
This will just be my 2 cents worth, and in the present economy it may only be worth a penny, but here goes. Thiis is certainly not a bad angus calf. I have looked at many angus bulls in the pens of what are considered good Angus breeders. I have seen a lot worse. Many so called good Angus breeders don't have cattle with that much natural thickness. As for the sickle hocks, I would venture a guess that this bull would last a lot longer in the pasture than many Clubby bulls. Would HW have survived out in the hills? As many unsound clubby bred steers and heifers as I have seen lately, we may all need some bulls that are slightly sickle hocked. JMHO


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
If he was my bull calf, I would probably be looking to sell him as a yearling to a commercial outfit, and try to get the price that similar quality cattle are bringing at the breeders' production sales.  Maybe he is no show bull, but he ought to perform well for several years as a solid commercial bull for somebody and I do like the pedigree and think it is important.  I would expect Lookout calves to be thick and he shows it.


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2009
South Dakota
good enough bull. i love the bottom side of net worth  but I dont like the top side of lookout, even if i did use some this year of lookout


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
midway6376 said:
Well everybody has their opinion but what the judges and people that have seem him have said is that they can't believe he is an angus because he is so wide and has that much muscle. I have also have people guessed him to be a Jan. calf instead of a Mar.
With his moderate size and Pedigree I would definately keep him as a bull!  Nice Calf!



Well-known member
Mar 8, 2009
RSC said:
midway6376 said:
Well everybody has their opinion but what the judges and people that have seem him have said is that they can't believe he is an angus because he is so wide and has that much muscle. I have also have people guessed him to be a Jan. calf instead of a Mar.
With his moderate size and Pedigree I would definately keep him as a bull!  Nice Calf!

I would agree tony, plus looks to have alot of meat in him.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
You could keep him a bull if you know someone that wants a nice growthy black bull.  I wouldn't try to sell him to someone and say he's going to be the next great one.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bottom line is he good enough to improve someones herd, I would venture to guess he is allot better than many of the bulls out there running with cows now. Will he change the breed? No. Can he change a herd? in my opinion yes. I would like to see him when he hits 2 years old.