Politics (If you have socialist tendencies, please dont read this)

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Kudos to Sen. Tom Coburn from OK who is a wise man who thinks that if Congress passes the National Obamacare bill, that congressional members and retirees should be stuck with it too!

Read on:

Sen. Tom Coburn, a fierce opponent of a public option for health care reform, has introduced an amendment requiring all lawmakers to enroll in the plan if it is included in a final bill that is passed.

"So that we feel the same effects of that plan as every other American that ends up in it and the data shows that a 104 million Americans are going to end up in that plan, so what's good for us ought to be good for everybody else," the Oklahoma Republican and doctor said.

While the amendment evokes the old goose and gander adage, some Democrats are crying "fowl."

They say the premise of the amendment is flawed because it suggests that the public option will be the only plan available.

"Members of Congress will very likely be in the same situation as every other American will be vis-à-vis the public option," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. "They can choose it, or they can not choose it. So the idea that members of Congress would be forced into it disrupts the whole notion that underlies it -- that this is a choice."

Other Democrats, including Sens. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., support Coburn's amendment. They joined most Republicans and passed the amendment out of the Senate Health committee.

But that version ultimately will have to be merged with another committee's bill and political analysts say Coburn's amendment may not survive.

Email your legislator today with your opinion.  Not sure who to write?  See this link:  http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Oh yes, here is a picture of crazy racist opposition to the healthcare bill from that hot bed of right wing rabid conservatives....Fort Collins, Colorado.   Nancy made a huge deal out of SWASTICA bearing protesters.

What is that lady going to do......... beat the police with her purse?   HUH?      First amendment anyone?

I think those more mature ladies brought along one of their grand daughters so that they could outrun the secret service?!?    <party>    (Party on Garth!)  hahaha


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Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Since we always get stuck paying lifetime bills for our 'retired' legislators, chances are they'll be taken care of quite well.

I would like just one of the so-called journalists in this country to ask Obama, Reed, or Pelosi three questions:  Of the 46 million uninsured, 40% have the income to pay for health insurance, they just choose not to.  Why should I pay for it?  Same goes for illegals.  91% of Americans have health insurance of which over 80% are satisfied with it.  Why such sweeping changes?  Since there never has been a government program that was run efficiently and wasn't designed to fatten some politician's pocket, why would government run health care be any different?

I am resigned to the fact that there is a good possiblity something will be rammed down our throats before the senate goes on vacation.  That way, they can be done with it before the public finds out more about what they've done.  


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Another thought provoking tidbit.  The administrative arm of the British National Healthcare plan (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE MEDICAL STAFF!) employees 1.4 million paper pushers.  They are the 3rd largest employer in the world.

No wonder our govt wants it.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cowz said:
Another thought provoking tidbit.  The administrative arm of the British National Healthcare plan (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE MEDICAL STAFF!) employees 1.4 million paper pushers.  They are the 3rd largest employer in the world.

No wonder our govt wants it.

don't know if this is true or not, but in CA, 150 families pay 25% of state income tax.  when their income takes a hit, state revenues are volatile.  the people who complain the loudest are people on the dole, ie state workers, and people on benefit programs, and people who impose anything to thwart business in the name of good.  it's basically an unbalanced swing between the king taxing the paupers and the paupers taxing the king.  neither is good and no one can compromise because they are too weddded to a two party system.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
maybe i'm reading this wrong but.  below are not my quotes.

The poorest fifth of taxpayers in California pay 11.7 percent of their annual income for state and local taxes, which include income, sales and excise taxes, the California Budget Project asserted in its new study.

And 56 percent of California taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of $50,000 or less had no state income tax liability, after the effects of deductions and credits, tax board figures show. (wonder how the other 44% did?)

First, let’s check out the bare facts. The rich do pay the lion’s share of taxes, both at the federal level and in the state of California. In California, taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of more than $100,000 make up the top 11 percent of taxpayers. This highest-earning group reported 54 percent of the total income in the state and paid 80 percent of the state’s income taxes. Taxpayers with incomes over $500,000 account for less than 1 percent of total tax returns filed but pay about 40 percent of the personal income taxes paid in the state.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
It is looking like the house and possibly the senate will swing to the republicans the next election. Like always the left went to far to the left and they will be repremanded. I think if Nancy wouldn't have been speaker...things wouldn't have got so far out of hand and the dems would have done better.