Program for 4H kids

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2010
Looking for some ideas on mineral/feed programs for 4H kids to incorperate into there daily feed program to help there calves reach maximum potentiel. We ways talk about structure of an but mabey dont put enough i.pietance on a good program and im lookimg for some differwnt ideas.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2015
I think first and foremost you have to determine the generic nutritional requirements of the show animal. Only from there you can further enhance your ration to meet additional requirements specific to a certain animal.  Good feeders think endpoint first, then develop the feed program accordingly using their ration with or without supplements.

What I'm trying to say is the feed and mineral program (which is the foundation) is comprised of a number of variables. Example; a balanced ration may develop one steer exceptionally well with no supplements or addional anything. Whereas another steer on the same ration may need additional corn to put on extra conditioning.

You can formulate a good ration on your own, buy your own mineral, buy a commercial feed, use other basic minerals (feed grade limestone), etc.  There are a lot of constraints.  The biggest one is budget!

I would first suggest researching what constitutes a balanced ration. Learning what feedstuffs produce what results, and the concept of adding energy, protein and etc. You will answer your own questions.

You can find alot of info here on steerplanet.  In my opinion there is no set answer to your question.  Not to mention, everyone can tell you whay has worked for them in terms of results, but you have to be able to visualize the animals endpoint to select what you need to get there.

I've seen people raise good looking animals on a budget with hardwork. 

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I think it would be a great help if the calves were pictured-There are some highly professional feeders on here who could suggest rations based on type-Ive seen national champions developed on simple corn and oats O0