Where in the heck did that thread go?

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
I thought I would beat someone to the punch.  Is it deleted? No...I would say it went into seclusion.

First and foremost, I appreciate the discussion.  The problem with rumors is well there rumors, unsubstantiated information that could be proved true or false.  The problem is if they are false, you can't go back an undo the damages caused.  SP has a pretty good following, even though we haven't seen participation go up as much, the amount of visitors have nearly doubled every year (37k unique visitors the last 30 days).  Lots of lurkers out there that intently read every topic.

If someone provides a documented firsthand proof, I have no problem with them posting and the discussion thereafter.  I went through the aforementioned thread and was unable to see where there was any burden of proof and in my estimation it would not be prudent to keep the thread active.  I will be reiterate, the thread has not been deleted, but it has been moved where it is not publicly accessible.


Statement from ASA regarding the rumor.

"The American Shorthorn Association (ASA) takes allegations of genetic defects or birth abnormalities very seriously, working with industry experts to research, diagnose, and develop testing procedures if deemed necessary. To our knowledge, there has never been a case of "Mulefoot" reported to the ASA, nor are there any known carriers in the ASA herd book. We strongly urge that accusations of genetic defects be based on science, not rumor. Several cases of anomalies at birth have been reported to the ASA in recent years, later to be diagnosed as nutritional deficiencies or other developmental problems. Breeders are reminded that countless things can go wrong in the fetal development process due to nutrition, environment, genetics, or any combination thereof. The ASA asks that all breeders report any anomalies at birth directly to the ASA and promises to diligently research and report on any suspect cases it receives in a timely manner."



Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Solve what? I see why it was takin down but the rumors still abound. Good or bad. Each breeder will have to decide for themselves what is the right way to go if there is no solid proof for awhile.  I havent used JPJ but I sure feel for the folks that have spent their hard earned money.


Hmmm, missed that one. It must have pissed someone off enough that had some power.

We all know what happened when everyone was crossing TH genetics and keeping the defects silent. I know, my first shorthorn was a double carrier for TH and PHA.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
trevorgreycattleco said:
Lots of lurkers with no nuts to post but enough to call somebody and whine. Politics just suck on any level.

trevor, i heard one of your bulls has monkey mouth and spastic pareisis.  why won't you come clean about it.

must be politics i guess.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
JTM said:
Hmmm, missed that one. It must have pissed someone off enough that had some power.

We all know what happened when everyone was crossing TH genetics and keeping the defects silent. I know, my first shorthorn was a double carrier for TH and PHA.

I bet you won't have to think very hard about who it was....  After my posts yesterday, I received a phone call ( a 701 number hmmm ;)) from a person expressing their displeasure with my comments.  Had a 30 minute convo w/ somone who never would identify themself.  The anonymous caller held the position that JPJ absolutely wasn't a mulefoot carrier (how they would already know conclusively, I don't know).  They went on to agree that while many heifers can't calve a 90lb calf unassisted, one shouldn't expect 90+ lb bw calf out of "their" ( He used the subjective pronoun "we" multiply times) 90+lb bw JPJ sons...  ??? Again, how one could conclude that, I don't know.   In the end, he stood behind the ASA and their proclamation that according to their epds, they are "heifer safe".  (Apparently the ASA has some parimeters as far as what they consider "heifer safe.")  

Lets see here.. the operative terms are:
* the powers that be
*701 area code
*holds JPJ interest


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
trevorgreycattleco said:
Whats your thoughts knabe. Politics? Nah

politics is the art of collective decision making.  it seems this was an individual call, so it doesn't qualify as politics.



Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Politics, maybe by definition, makes your statement correct. But the reality of it is politics plays itself out everyday on every level and in many forms. Im sure your already aware of this. I dont know all the players but the game is always the same. Tell the truth and you never have to remember what you said. That works well for a guy like me who partied like it was 1999 for almost 12 years. If I call somebody with facts about something, and do what that guy did, Im sure as hell going to say who I am. 90 lb + bw bulls will never be heifer safe in my world. The ASA EPD numbers are mostly a joke.  This is well known. And that sucks. Call me mystery man. Maybe we can both learn something. I will look out for a 713 number. Not tonight tho. Outta beer, outta here.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
Waterville, Iowa
Chandler said:
JTM said:
Hmmm, missed that one. It must have pissed someone off enough that had some power.

We all know what happened when everyone was crossing TH genetics and keeping the defects silent. I know, my first shorthorn was a double carrier for TH and PHA.

I bet you won't have to think very hard about who it was....  After my posts yesterday, I received a phone call ( a 701 number hmmm ;)) from a person expressing their displeasure with my comments.  Had a 30 minute convo w/ somone who never would identify themself.  The anonymous caller held the position that JPJ absolutely wasn't a mulefoot carrier (how they would already know conclusively, I don't know).  They went on to agree that while many heifers can't calve a 90lb calf unassisted, one shouldn't expect 90+ lb bw calf out of "their" ( He used the subjective pronoun "we" multiply times) 90+lb bw JPJ sons...  ??? Again, how one could conclude that, I don't know.   In the end, he stood behind the ASA and their proclamation that according to their epds, they are "heifer safe".  (Apparently the ASA has some parimeters as far as what they consider "heifer safe.")  

Lets see here.. the operative terms are:
* the powers that be
*701 area code
*holds JPJ interest
I had the same thing hapen this summer about how I felt about some owner of club calf bulls how they handled customer service and I stated my opinion that to me it sucked and I got a nasty phone call about 5 min later! Then again last week a simmental breeder seen what I said about his bull and again in my opinion that I didn't like him and thought there was better bulls out there and I got a email that he didn't appreciate my comments but neither of them had balls enough to comment on here for the world to see either!