Recent content by 4MYGIRLS

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    Two Tone

    Picture of our Two Tone steer. Bred to PB Angus dam

    Two Tone

    We had a Two Tone steer this year.  My youngest daughter showed him with no problems.  He was very clean fronted, long necked and had plenty of muscle.  He had lots of hair but we showed him slick.  He won the English Div. as a light weight (1220), then went on to win Reserve Grand MS. Bred Over...

    orphaned calves as show animals?

    We had an orphan (twin)heifer two years ago. The girls said they wanted to use her in showmanship, they raised her so I said what the heck. The heifer "Callie" didn't have a pot belly but she was not the nicest either. The girls had a blast with her, she was gentle as a lamb. They learned a lot...

    OCC Missing link

    We tried him on a heifer that we raised on a bottle. She had a bull calf on Feb 23rd that weighed 78lbs,unassisted, he is growing nicely. I will say I was very nervous because a neighbor used him on a cow, watched the calf being born three weeks before ours was due. She did a great job...

    Greetings from 4MYGIRLS

    Good morning, I have enjoyed Steer Planet for a while now, lots of information, lots of fussing too. But I've learned to take the good with the bad.  Our family has learned in the show business that money doesn't buy happiness, but hard work does.