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  1. F

    Hardwood 209 ----breeding

    I planned on using Jeffs 209 bull on some of our DJ Salution X Maine/Angus daughters, trying to create replacement females with a strong simmi base.  I know of others making the same cross this year?
  2. F

    Blaze simmis for calving ease

    DJ Salution is proven calving ease.  In Ohio, ask Alan Halderman ............ he used the bull on Angus heifers.  Ask Mike Huston in Ill, or Jeff Maas in Iowa.  South Dakota, ask Kevin Healey, or call Cattle Visions.  None of them own any part of the bull, but all of them swear by him. ...
  3. F

    DJ Salution

    Thank you for your interest in DJ Salution.  I own part of him along with the other original 3 partners.  As far as calving ease, he is proven.  If you want a neutral person to confirm that, try contacting a semen company such as Cattlevisions.  They sell semen on hundreds of bulls, and still...
  4. F

    Simmi Heifer

    DJ Salution.  Ask Kevin Healy about the DJ Salution x Dream on combination.  Or better yet, ask Bobby May, he bought the top enders from Healy.
  5. F

    Bulls To breed to

    I would use DJ Salution, or another calving ease Simmy.  The calf will come easy (watch out for the heatwave background on the heifers side). Total Salution would be another choice.  Also there is a new calving ease Maine bull called DJ Delivery coming out.  He looks really cool and has a 70lb bw.
  6. F


    We haqd a problem with Coyotes a few years back.  BUY A DONKEY.  They are cheap, wont eat much, and the Donkey wont care if its a coyote, or a Dog.  They will attack either.  We still own stock dogs, and the donkey accepts them.  However if its a stray animal of any sort, she will run them off. ...
  7. F

    DJ Salution

    We have had excellent reports on DJ Salution as a calving ease simmi.  His calves come small and dont look like much at birth.  However, by weaning time they are very marketable.  Look at his new ad with Progeny pictures.  Harkers had an $11,000 heifer this year.