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  1. LoveToShowSteers

    Why does he do this??

    I had a heifer that did this and yes they will do that in the show ring and if you break them of it they will try and lay down in the ring too. We put my heifer behind the tractor and when she went to go down we took a hot shot to her. I would walk her in the morning and if she did that then...
  2. LoveToShowSteers

    Body Clip

    I have been told that if you body clip a calf the hair will grow back better and grow more hair than if you don't body clip them. Is there any truth to this? When you body clip a calf how short to you want to clip the hair and when would you clip them? I have a steer that will not be shown until...
  3. LoveToShowSteers

    Jesse James Steers

    What are ya'll thoughts on Jesse James fat steers? I have seen a few as feeder steers but never seen any as a fat steer. Pros/Cons and overall thoughts on these steers would be helpful. Thanks  :)
  4. LoveToShowSteers

    Sullivan's peace pellets

    I have used them before on some of my market steers. They don't have a long work time to them. When I was feeding them it takes 1-1.5 half for them to work. My steer would calm down for 1-2 hours before they started to wear off. They work good for when you have a worked up calf at a show (but...
  5. LoveToShowSteers

    Efficient daily hair care?

    I have had steers in the past have hair as a baby but when show time come around they start to lose a lot of hair, would washing them in the winter help prevent that or is there a way for them to keep the hair?
  6. LoveToShowSteers

    Show T-Shirts

    My club is hosting a 4-H cattle expo and we are going to design a shirt for the show. The picture is going to be a  of a show ring with a steer walking out of the ring. Any good sayings to go with the picture? I was thinking something like "It takes time and work to be first" Any sayings would...