Recent content by MainAngus

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  1. MainAngus

    first and goal

    We purchased a heifer bred to him! Long story short... She ended up having twins! Both calves came easily and growing very well! He is definitely a bull I would recommend!
  2. MainAngus


    Looks a little tight behind the shoulder... Like most MABs do!
  3. MainAngus

    please! someone help my steer kicks!!

    You could try the old broom trick! In the chute, take an old broom and brush it on his back legs. Doing this everyday should desensitize him a little back there.  <rock> <rock>
  4. MainAngus

    Feeding a fat steer

    Roundness of hip and stoutness are in the genetics.. You can hide those flaws by a good clip job and leveling his pins. As far as stoutness it is almost all genetics and impossible to fix.
  5. MainAngus

    Heifer Bulls

    I like the look of the Rumor Mill and Frisky Whiskey calves... Both are very easy calving.
  6. MainAngus

    flushing a mono daughter

    I have seen some very nice frisky whiskey steers this spring! He might be an option... Plus if they are heifers they are paper able maintainers with a whiskey pedigree!
  7. MainAngus

    Name the bull

    Who's Optimum
  8. MainAngus

    Jesse James calves

    His dam is out of a very nice PB simmental bull Blazer and he also has a shot of WMW from his sire. I think he should work fine as a terminal or in a breeding program.
  9. MainAngus

    Tugboat Bull

    Bump! Does anybody know what Tugboat works best on?
  10. MainAngus

    Suggestions for 2nd calvers?

    I am not sure if he is safe for a second calve, but I Da Man sounds like he would do a great job for you!!
  11. MainAngus

    Anyone have Combustible Calves

    Lock N Load or Combustible??
  12. MainAngus

    Opinions please!

    He is a county fair steer... But we also like to go to a few jackpots with them
  13. MainAngus

    Opinions please!

    Here are some more pictures of him.