Recent content by MDitmars

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  1. M

    Changing gears and changing direction

    Glad to hear the sale was successful!!!
  2. M

    Is the rat tail deal still a thing?

    We have an old Charolais that seems to throw rat tail every year she is bred angus.
  3. M

    Roy Lovaas (Hidden Hill Farm Shorthorns)

    Sue ASA had to verify lineage because Milking shorthorn society doesn't have pedigree records on the older bulls. I believe last time I talked to him he was OK with registering at least in the Milking shorthorn society. That being said Justintime I don't completely support what the ASA is...
  4. M

    Roy Lovaas (Hidden Hill Farm Shorthorns)

    I have talked to him a bit and he told me he didn't have easy access to update his website. His daughter was his embryologist and recently (last couple of years) took a job at a university a little too far away. Can't remember which one but he indicated that put a halt to a lot of his et work...
  5. M

    New Herdsire

    Really good looking bull! Nice to see some longevity in the mix! Have any pictures of daughters of in production?
  6. M

    genetic drift

    Aj Berkeley gives a layman's definition to genetic drift in that it is a plant by sheer chance has more offspring survive and that they have no more defense mechanisms than any other. and I am pretty sure that is what Knabe is giving you crap for right now is miss use of terms. "So although...
  7. M

    genetic drift

    Aj you are bringing up mechanisms of evolution. There are four major mechanisms (mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection). To figure out what is keeping weeds alive you have to test each mechanism to see if it holds true in our situation. At first glance we can rule out...
  8. M

    65% of the Shorthorn breeds current design is based on show heifers.

    AJ I couldn't tell you the exact statistics but i would Imagine they are fairly close to the ratio of show to commercial advertisers in shorthorn country. If some one wants to look through a shorthorn country and make a tally you would have a pretty good answer. As far as improving the breed...
  9. M

    experience with Trans OVA IVF at Fletcher for reverse sorted embryos

    That was the total? That seems a bit low on the embryo count for two separate shots. and with reverse sorting i am guessing you mean you had them sexed from traditional semen (supposedly you could lose a bit due to this). The cost is understandable from them figuring they probably only charged...
  10. M

    Dead calf

    I was going to say potentially not getting the calf colostrum or another calf sucking on the cow before hers was born but if they were locked up then that probably didn't happen.
  11. M

    Odd problem with barbed wire fencing???

    I suspect being in Louisiana has sped up the rusting quite a bit if you are in a humid or wet area. Red brand turns rusty colored pretty quick. We have always used a high tensile cheaper wire as it doesn't rust as fast. As side from that we walk the pasture fence every year before we put...
  12. M

    Anybody use

    Not sure i would definitely be interested in more information or reviews on them.
  13. M

    Weaning with Quiet Weans (nose clips)

    My question was more along the lines of putting the quiet weans in and leaving them until they dried up. Then leaving the calves with the cows through the winter when we run them on corn stalks or milo stalks. We had some late calves this year and i don't know if all of the cows will dry up, we...
  14. M

    Weaning with Quiet Weans (nose clips)

    Out of curiosity is there much bawling that happens after you pull the calves to sell them?
  15. M

    Old shorthorn semen

    I guess none of us really answered your question. Several of these bulls are note worth a few of them even to the point that most people don't ai to them but instead flush them. I would look up pictures and do some research on them decide if they are worth putting in your herd. As a note a...