Recent content by ReichHoof Trim

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  1. ReichHoof Trim

    Riley Built Hoof Trimming Chute

    Riley Built Hoof Trimming Chute Looking for a reasonably priced hoof trimming chute, perferrably by riley built. Travel distance to pick-up will have factor on price as well. More Information
  2. ReichHoof Trim

    Hoof trimming Route/Tour/Schedule

    I will be traveling within the next couple weeks from Central MI (just south of Flint) to Sheldon WI, through Michigan's upper pensiula with trimming chute. I will be traveling to care for some show cows in the area, if you or someone you know is in need of a trimmer for a few cows or a large...
  3. ReichHoof Trim

    New to site

    Thanks all! I am liking the site so far....learn a thing or two, teach a thing or two, etc. On a day like today, where it is spitting cold, nasty rain, its a good way to spend a chunk of time. :D
  4. ReichHoof Trim

    Hoof Trimmers in Michigan??

    Finding a hoof trimmer that you like is a hard task. First you have to look at styles of trimming. There is a big difference between the trimmers that started trimming in the 60's-70's and the newer trimmers of the 2000's. In the older days many herds were still out on pastor half there life...
  5. ReichHoof Trim

    New to site

    My name is Scott Reich, from Cenral Michigan. I am new to SteerPlant, still learning the site. I have been a herdsman for years, since old enough to work. I trained to be a bovine hoof trimmer in 2006, under a apprenticeship with Dave Keebler of Great Lakes Hoof Trimming of 30 plus years. I was...