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  1. L

    How much oats?

    We have two pigs.  A gilt around 90 lbs. and a barrow around 70 lbs. They are on a locally mixed 18% feed made with a Sunglo premix.  How much steam rolled oats, if any should I be putting in their feed? 
  2. L

    Biodiesel as adhesive remover?

    Went to our first cattle show this weekend. I bought a quart bottle of adhesive remover from the supply trailer. It was EZ brand "be gone" and labeled a "green" product. Cost $27.00.  I opened it up and it looks, smells, and feels just like biodiesel.  Does anyone know if this is indeed what it...
  3. L

    Heifer throws head---maybe halter problem?

    We've had an Angus heifer about a month. She's coming along pretty well---leading good, but still not dead broke. Because she's hard to halter, we've been using one you leave on--the kind with the chain underneath.  She will stand to be brushed all over, but if anyone tries to handle her near...