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  1. jeranch

    Green Valley sale?

    Wondering if anyone had any results, I've seen the avg., but was curious what lots 5, 7, & 9 sold for. Thanks
  2. jeranch

    Dehorn Infection

    Try Vetricyn it is very safe and works suprisingly well, I used it the first time just to see and have very good luck with dehorn infections,  pink eye and even ring worms.  I was very scepticle but it works pretty well.
  3. jeranch

    Lutalyse failed- anyone else have a similar story?

    We use Lut/estramate and a shot of Dex if we to abort an unwanted calf.
  4. jeranch

    Bull BIG RIVER

    That would be correct, TH positive PHA negative
  5. jeranch

    Bull BIG RIVER

    We purchased Big River from Colby Collins in Denver last year. We felt he was one of the best club calf bulls out there. We have not got any recent pics of yet, we just pulled him off cows in August, he succesfully cleaned up 35 head of cows in the Oklahoma heat this year and looks really good...