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  1. S

    Showmanship scares me

    I have done fairly well in the showmanship at my county fair but showmanship at other shows seems so much harder, im almost scared to try it because i dont really know what im in for. what can i do to try to be a better showman and do well in showmanship if i get the courage to try it?
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    Heifer comming on 2 years (pics)

    registered shorthorn bred to Gage or is it Gauge? cant quite remember. due end of march.  born march 2010. tell me what ya think and yes im aware she has some rear leg issues
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    New Steer=Opinions Desired NEW PICS

    March born 7/8th shorthorn i am aware he is very green he is just starting to go on feed as of two weeks ago.  Hasnt had any creep feed and is still nursing a little. planning to wean him in the next week. Honest opinions tell me what you think.
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    Fitting Toutorials...are there any?

    I have scowered the internet for how to fitting videos and have found a few helpful but none that take it from begining to end in detail.  Is there anyone who knows of any online videos likes this?  I know there are the videos i can buy but for what im interested in doing i dont think id be...
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    Just wanted to share some pics...

    Showing my steer and heifer at county in july
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    senior pictures with my calves

    hey i am going to be taking my senior pictures soon and want to take most with my beef calves but really want to see some ideas. does anyone have samplles of theirs that they took with cattle? or even just more formal ones with their cattle.  i have a full black cow/calf pair a full white heifer...
  7. S

    Steer is LOCO!!!

    so this is my third year showing and my first two steers were pretty much babiesi never had much of an issue breaking them.  But my steer for this year is completely insane. I put him in the pen and went in with him and he would run full on into the fence trying to get away.  Hes not little...