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  1. T

    Angus Bulls

    I like Resource, it is between him and Earnan for us. Cattlemen51, did you see the Earnan calves at Krebs? what did you think? Nobody around here has bred to him. Lots of 7229 though.
  2. T

    Angus Bulls

    Thank you, that makes me feel more comfortable using him. I like the Cash bull a lot. Good breeding, I hope his calves have a hip like he does. Thank you for the help.
  3. T

    Angus Bulls

    Thank you for your reply. I like he bulls from Krebs Ranch as well and would consider using all of them, Cash on heifers, and Hammer/ Joe Canada on cows. What do you think of the Hammer calves? He has outstanding EPDS but he isn't as popular as some of the other performance bulls in the breed.
  4. T

    Angus Bulls

    I am looking for feedback on a few bulls I am considering breeding too. Please let me know if you have seen calves or heard about the following bulls. SAV Resource, K Bar D Joe Canada, Pine Ridge Hammer, Barstow Cash, and SAV Platinum. Thank you for your time.