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  1. bringing purple

    The BEST option OUT THERE

    Could I buy Tasco pure; I'm not sure if I could because we don't have that much in the way of suppliers like you would out west? Also if you just can't feed melatonin year round then what about epic (supposedly a non-melatonin product) or could you feed shag with out burning them out on...
  2. bringing purple

    The BEST option OUT THERE

    I think I understand what your saying. Its not the amount of melatonin but simply an increase and by feeding it year round; there will be no increase and therefore no hair. I definitely will try soaking my mister nozzles in vinegar because we have alot of sulfur (and other stuff) in the water...
  3. bringing purple

    The BEST option OUT THERE

    Thanks, I really appreciate everyones responses! And I'll look into that timer.
  4. bringing purple

    The BEST option OUT THERE

    Our barn is built such that we have a fairly steady draft coming though all the time (pole barn) so I think the heat escapes fairly well. I really like the idea of running the mister periodically throughout the day and it would be hard at all for me to rig up a line on the roof to run on the...
  5. bringing purple

    The BEST option OUT THERE

    I guess I could... but I've always heard that the humidity created by doing so can cause respiratory issues. I've never tried leaving them on so I can't say for sure. Do you think I'd be alright if I left them on? Would his bedding get wet?
  6. bringing purple

    The BEST option OUT THERE

    Thanks for the advice, as of right now he has 2 turbo fans and a butt fan in his shade cloth enclosed stall. I've got a mister but I think I'm am going to have to get a better timer because I can only set it to come on once a day (1 o'clock for 15 minutes), maybe I'll keep on with what I'm doing...
  7. bringing purple

    The BEST option OUT THERE

    Being located in Florida, and not having access to a cool room hair is a rarity. I feel like I've searched and read every post on the subject that I can. The consensus seems to be genetics, rinsing, brushing, and genetics. Well, I know I have the genetics, and I rinse 3 times everyday and 4 most...
  8. bringing purple

    Blower motor shredding to pieces!??

    Just went out to blow the calf out and flipped the blower on and it made a God awful sound. So i broke it down and come to find out the front motor, on the back side the aluminum fan type piece is shredded. Anybody had any experience with this? I think im gonna have to buy a new motor for it.
  9. bringing purple

    Something Positve!

    Im only still 18 years old and have ALOT to learn but FFA and rasing steers has molded me into who I am. Taught me responsibility and respect. Most of all be involved in agriculture has taught me to love land and work hard to keep it in the way our lord would want to see it. Nothing is more...
  10. bringing purple

    Cordless clippers?

    Does anybody have or use cordless clippers? Are they worth the money or no? Considering buying a pair. What would you recomend?
  11. bringing purple

    Pink slime

    Its not ammonia though. It is amonium hydroxide. Which occurs natuarrly.
  12. bringing purple

    Pink slime

    Theres nothing wrong wtih it. If you have been eating beef at all in your life you have ate a bunch of pink slime. It is made from the lean beef off of bones not scraps off the floor and guts as the media says. Pink slime is in almost every commercially made ground beef. It actucally cuts down...
  13. bringing purple

    Bottle Calf

    I just want to get him up to a good enough weight to take to market. Not show quaility in my opinion but im no expert either. Im thinkin that i will try my best to keep him on the bottle as long as my wallet can afford it. I definetly do not want to loose money on him.
  14. bringing purple

    Bottle Calf

    Hes a out of a simmental cow that was approxametly 20 years old i was told and an angus bull. Just commercial type cattle but still fun. I will try to get a picture on SP, not really good with technology.
  15. bringing purple

    Bottle Calf

    Just recieved an orphan calf that is a month old and he is drinking milk replacer twice a day. He nibbles on a starter feed a little bit and munches hay some as well. When should I start to wean him off the bottle. Ive always heard the longer on milk the better. When is too soon? His mother just...