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  1. RasorFarms

    Sales in Zanesville Ohio

    If you're in the market for females, there are a few excellent sales coming up in SE Ohio (Zanesville). Both sales will be at Muskingum Livestock in Zanesville Ohio. -Nov 27 is the Back to the Farm female replacement sale hosted by the Ohio Cattlemens Association.   Cosigners' female have...
  2. RasorFarms

    Whitening Shampoo That Really Works?

    Anyone know of a good whitening/stain removing shampoo that works? Or am I looking for unicorns here?  For a smoke heifer that has some bad stains on her knees and flank.  We've used Sullivan's Bright Lights and are currently using Vetrolin White n Bright. I prefer the Vetrolin to the Sullivan's...
  3. RasorFarms

    Wild Cattle

    My boss bought 12 purebred Shorthorn bred heifers last fall to "get back to his roots" (he's a pig farmer by trade, cattle farmer at heart) and we've had a heck of a time with a couple of them. When moving the herd to their summer grazing pasture, 2 of the nuttier ones managed to evade capture. ...
  4. RasorFarms

    Calf with kicking problem...

    We have a calf who has always been partial to his left rear leg. He loves to take a swing at you for anything. Right side is just fine though. Wasn't much of a problem when he was smaller but he's pushing 1100 lbs and working with him daily is getting to be a hassle. He is a fair steer for my...