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  1. T

    Semen quality

    AI conception rates are a function of the sum of the parts: 1. Semen quality 2.  Heat detection 3.  Careful handling of semen 4.  Skill in executing the placement of the semen 5.  Fertility and health of the animal I put quality of semen first because if the quality of the semen is poor no...
  2. T

    Is 280lb weight gain possible by August 5

    Yes.  You can hit that goal.  Keep him healthy, wormed and content.  I assume he will also get grass.
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    Determining top % of bulls for breeds

    The Kentucky CAIP (cost share program based on tobacco settlement) requires the bull to meet standards for calving ease.  Other criteria are involved but the only EPD standard included in the criteria is CE. I think the bull must have a minimum score of 10.  If your program is similar to the...
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    Injectable vs. Pour-on wormers

    I use Ivomec injectable.  I administer it both spring and fall.  It requires 10 mL to treat an 1100 pound animal.  It is not as thick as LA 300 but it is thicker than most vaccines, therefore, a 16 gauge needle is more efficient.  I administer it in the loose skin just posterior to the front...
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    Uno Mas and a few others!

    I have used Uno Mas.  Have several.  Here is a heifer born April 20, 2016.
  6. T

    Hooks Broadway

    Had one in October 71 pounds.  My average birth weight is 88 pounds. I have two cows bred to him for fall of 2017. 