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  1. B

    Flush Option for Angus Cow?

    I like your yearling pretty well.  :)
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    Looking for transportation east

    Need suggestions on getting a heifer hauled from Iowa to Pennsylvania or possibly somewhere in between that I could pick her up. Thanks
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    show heifer silhouette

    I'm looking for a show heifer silhouette I can use for a project, want to try to etch on glass.  I googled it but everything looks like a steer.  Anyone know where I can find a heifer, just needs to be pretty basic? I'd like to be able to make it different sizes. thanks
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    It's rather frustrating when you try to teach your kids right from wrong.  They get tired of getting beat by heifers that are several month older.  At one show I asked an exhibitor when their rather large heifer would calve and if it was truly the age it was supposed to be it would have been...
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    Steer finish - last 90 days - updated photo

    what's the feed store in MD and what feed are you talking about?
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    Gambles Liquidation

    I'm curious as to why also.
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    Angus judges

    Seems to me they only like the huge ones.
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    dying cattle

    We dye our black cattle black.  Sometimes the black gets some red in it from the sun.  Just makes them look better.  Didn't change anything about them.
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    Breeding Dilemma - In About 12 Hours

    That's happened here.  Cow didn't come back in heat the first cycle after breeding.  Blood test pregnant, but then standing again after the positive test. 
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    PB Angus breeding

    thanks for the reply  :)
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    PB Angus breeding

    I wonder what the birthweights and ease of delivery are that got him a -10 CED epd.
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    Heifer Fertility

    I'm also curious how you preg checked them.  I just had a heifer that was palpated open.  Didn't see any heats, blood tested her and it came back preg.  I plan to test her again with the next batch just to confirm.
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    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    I'm right there with you!  While showing is fun, at the end of the day it's the bonus for working hard and learning about beef/beef production. 
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    I had trouble with the semen, only got one to stick out of 4 straws.  I'm not sure why.  Looking forward to the calf.
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    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    I think If you actually read what I wrote you would have noticed the last sentence where I said that I suspect most kids don't.  So I don't think I'm delusional, but thanks.  Now I remember why I rarely ever post on here.
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    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

      My kids each get a heifer as a gift out of the herd for their 1st year in 4-H.  Nothing fancy.  The show winnings I was referring to was from showmanship as well as animal placing's.  They show a couple species at several fairs, so it didn't take more then 4 years to save enough for the...
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    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    You must not get out much.  My child purchased a heifer with show winnings. It's not a national champ or anything but my kiddo owns it.
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    Leasing programs for club calves - for kids

    What does the kid get out of this?  Certainly isn't learning how to take care of the animal when all they do is show up at the show and drag it through the ring.  I hate when this happens at local 4-H/FFA shows. 