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  1. ljenkins73

    What's your "don't leave home without it" show box item??

    What's the L&M Sure Shine??  I've not heard of it, and am having trouble finding on the internet... Mini Fridge!!  LOL!  My husband LOVES that idea!  Except we won't have trailer access this time around...Bummer
  2. ljenkins73

    What's your "don't leave home without it" show box item??

    Ahh...Thanks!  The last steer project was a local show, so we didn't have to worry about drenching!  We've had pigs so we have the 150cc drencher!!  LOL...guess that means I get to shop!!  (clapping)
  3. ljenkins73

    What's your "don't leave home without it" show box item??

    What is the one thing you must have in your show box when you go to a slick show??  We're competing in our first major cattle show (Houston), in a little over a week and we're packing the showbox.  We got the basics down, but know there's gonna be a vital ingredient we forget!! ::)
  4. ljenkins73

    35 days to show and Limousin steer refuses to eat

    Well, it's been almost 2 weeks and all we can do is hope for the best.  We're eating, and gaining, and so far so good! We dewormed with Safeguard as it was time again, and also withheld grain from him for 24 hrs and then started back slow with a ground feed ration from the local co-op.  It's...
  5. ljenkins73

    35 days to show and Limousin steer refuses to eat

    Manure consistency actually looks good.  Last night we did notice he's shedding some corn that we haven' t seen before, which made me start thinking he's having rumen trouble, despite being on the P1 program (gut bacteria additive used on dairy farms).
  6. ljenkins73

    35 days to show and Limousin steer refuses to eat

    Unfortunately, I'm not sure of his breeding.  The person we got him from had bought him from a friend's ranch here in Texas.  Definitely no denying he's pure limi!!
  7. ljenkins73

    35 days to show and Limousin steer refuses to eat

    I was wondering that myself.  That was why we tried to give him a week between each change once he started leaving feed.  He hasn't been the easiest feeder all the way through the project, and we'd go through this behavior about 1 week a month even without any feed changes.  We had someone tell...
  8. ljenkins73

    35 days to show and Limousin steer refuses to eat

    Any help is greatly appreciated! My son's Limousin steer has gradually reduced his feed intake over the last 3 weeks to where he is no longer eating much at all.  We have run the gamut of trying different things to get this guy eating and have reached the end of our rope.  He weighed 1132...