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  1. LoveToShowSteers

    Body Clip

    I have been told that if you body clip a calf the hair will grow back better and grow more hair than if you don't body clip them. Is there any truth to this? When you body clip a calf how short to you want to clip the hair and when would you clip them? I have a steer that will not be shown until...
  2. LoveToShowSteers

    Jesse James Steers

    What are ya'll thoughts on Jesse James fat steers? I have seen a few as feeder steers but never seen any as a fat steer. Pros/Cons and overall thoughts on these steers would be helpful. Thanks  :)
  3. LoveToShowSteers

    Show T-Shirts

    My club is hosting a 4-H cattle expo and we are going to design a shirt for the show. The picture is going to be a  of a show ring with a steer walking out of the ring. Any good sayings to go with the picture? I was thinking something like "It takes time and work to be first" Any sayings would...