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    I have seen a couple of people asking about LOOKOUT Calves.  I have had 4 in the past 2 years.  The 2 bulls were about 80# and the heifers were about 65#.  The bull seems to be cleaning up the front of my angus cows and adding thickness.  The bull calf we had this year is like a bucket calf. ...
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    Weirdest thing

    I had a couple of cows some years ago that lost the switches from their tails.  I think they lost them because the cows got too hot from eating fescue grass. 
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    Chiropractic work in cattle.

    We had a dog that got hit by a car.  After that about every 6 months we would have to take it in to the chiropractic vet to get him straightened out.  The Vet also workied on one of our heifers.  Just like any business the good ones are worth their money.
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    Stall dividers for sale

    Where in Illinios?  I am in central Indiana and interested.
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    Any results from Hoosier Beef Congress?

    CattleJunky:  How did your cattle do?
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    Rita 5H11 a carrier "This Sucks"

    I spoke with an older angus man last night.  He had not seen the list.  The first bull he asked about was Rito 9J9.  Looks like he already thought there was a problem with this bull. 
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    Congrats to Dr.B and Barrel Racer

    I just looked on AAA and they have a pretty good list.
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    Combined curly calf info

    Thanks DL,  I checked and the last 2 bulls I have used are descendants of 1680.  I have to hope CA Future Direction and Integrity are clean. Please keep us updated
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    Used Sullivan Style Fan Cage For Sale

    Have you sold this Yet?