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  1. CJC

    Ready 4 The Ride

    Does anybody have calves out of him yet?
  2. CJC

    2017 junior nationals

    simmies Mississippi.
  3. CJC

    Blow & Go Shows

    With Blow & Go you have to work harder with the hair than what you think. I've seen some Blow & Go's that look better than fitted.
  4. CJC

    Home School and Show

    How many people Home School and Show? Are there any other home school families that show in the state of Texas?
  5. CJC

    Texas Jackpot show rules

    If you have a heifer that will not class ABC don't waste your time paying the money for the AOB tag ; because if she is not ABC or registered that is where she is going to go any way.
  6. CJC

    De Bull CAX

    I know he is an old school bull. If you were to use him today what would you use him on? How was his calves? How much is semen on him now?
  7. CJC

    Paul Harvey...God Made a Farmer...Super Bowl Ad

    That was an awesome commercial. I miss Paul Harvey's stories. They where very interesting. Good Day Now.
  8. CJC

    2013 S.B

    Ravens will win because Ray Lewis is retiring. ;) Go niners
  9. CJC

    Trim Feet

    Your call. I don't have yours trimmed in the third trimester
  10. CJC

    Who's headed to Fort Worth

    Not a worry I'm riding . A lot of Brahman people don't tie out for some reason.
  11. CJC

    Steer loves to lick my shoes and clothes. Is he lacking some kind of mineral?

    AMEN to that. I would rather them lick em off; then rip em off.
  12. CJC

    Who's headed to Fort Worth

    Who's headed to Fort Worth and when? I'll be their Jan 18-23 helping Joyce Custom Fitters with Brahman's.
  13. CJC

    This should be posted ever where

    I like this sign.
  14. CJC

    What Angus Bull should I use on our IAL heifer - Pic of heifer included

    Calving Ease goes out the window in my opion when you are dealing with show cattle. Commercial cattle ya.
  15. CJC

    Stupid People

    Can't say this Administration taken the country by storm either. Until we wake up and start putting people that have had to work for a living (actual work) in their it is never going to end. Money will always take presidents over people.
  16. CJC

    Stupid People

    I think Charlie Daniels might be summing it up best in this song. The Charlie Daniels Band - (What This World Needs Is) A Few More Rednecks.wmv
  17. CJC

    Calling all Peeks or Related in Appanoose County Iowa

    Shes been doing a lot of work on it.
  18. CJC

    Irish Wiskey X Meyer Heifer (Opinions Please)

    The FIRST THING is to get a LIVE CALF. Then you can worry about the SECOND THING; which is what to breed her to to GET THE GOOD ONE. ;).  Just find a good calving ease bull. Do your research. Like I said go to Griswold Cattle Company's Web site. He knows more about Irish Whisky calves than any body.
  19. CJC

    Arizona Nationals

    What is the payout on this show? I seen the biggest classes had 9 in it; most are around 4-5 in them.