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  1. O

    Linking Website Opinions

    What are some opinions on which sites it would be best to link our new website to? I wanted to link it to one or two and see what kind of response that we get. Cost vs. Effectiveness is a consideration for me when chosing. Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks in advance for any feedback...
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    Recip Cow Question

    We are going to flush a couple of cows and put thier eggs into some of our other cows. The donors in this case consistently have large calves from the matings we are going to use. (100-130) These cows have very little trouble with this size of calf. However, I am worried about the size of some...
  3. O

    Im new and wanted to share a few of our calves

    The weather was nice here in Southern Ohio yesterday, so I decided to clip a few of our Jan. Bulls. I am going to try and post their pictures. The brown appearing one is Jimmy the Greek and the black one is a Shockwave. I follwed the instructions on downsizing, so I hope all goes well.