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  1. FarmerWanna-Be

    Best County Fair in Iowa

    Im from Michigan but am very interesting in visiting (and maybe living in) Iowa someday. I was wondering what people think is the best county fair in Iowa? Also, kinda different topic but what is the need like for large animal veterinarians out there?
  2. FarmerWanna-Be

    Bushy Park Sale Results

    Has anyone heard how the Bushy Park sale went? Thanks!
  3. FarmerWanna-Be

    Breeder of Ali

    Just wondering if anyone knows who the breeder of the bull Ali is? Thanks
  4. FarmerWanna-Be

    Grizzly Heifers

    How are people liking the bull grizzly and how are his heifer calves looking as they grow?
  5. FarmerWanna-Be

    Jr. Nationals in Kansas City

    This will be my first time attending Jr Nats and my first time showing in Kansas City. Does anyone have any insiders tips I should know?
  6. FarmerWanna-Be

    Mercedes Benz

    Has anyone seen Benz at stud? How does he look? Does anyone have pictures?
  7. FarmerWanna-Be

    White Muscle Disease High School Project

    I am in high school and for my AP Chemistry class we have to do an end of the year research paper. Since I like cows and I live in a state with soil deficient in selenium, I chose to do my project on WMD. I was wondering if anyone had any personnal experience with the disease or any stories they...
  8. FarmerWanna-Be

    Calving Difficulties

    So for the last 2 year we have bred cows to a 70% angus bull that has a very moderate frame size but have had to pull at least half of the calves sired by him. The cows dont get grain while they are pregnant and I cant figure out why there calves are consistently coming so big out of a bull that...
  9. FarmerWanna-Be

    Mercedes Benz

    What type of cows does he work on? How are his calves looking this spring. Thanks!
  10. FarmerWanna-Be

    AI techs

    Does anyone know of any good AI techs in the central Michigan area?
  11. FarmerWanna-Be

    Shiver or Mercedes Benz?

    Which bull will sire better show steers and replacement heifers? Also, which is more consistent with calving ease and will work best on first calf heifers?
  12. FarmerWanna-Be

    Mud and Poop removal

    I have a couple calves that I plan on showing in about a month. They have been out in a turn out all winter and have collected their fair share of mud and poop and their lowever quarters are covered in "poop balls." What is the best way to remove these without losing hair too? Is there any...
  13. FarmerWanna-Be

    All Aboard

    Any calves? Pics would be nice. What do peole think of this bull? What kind of calves does he sire? What type of cows does he work on?
  14. FarmerWanna-Be


    I dont mean to start any arguements and I dont want to put anyone down, I just want to get other peoples opinions on this. I have heard questionable things about Lautner Cattle like that the TH and PHA status' of their bulls are questionable and sometime made up and also that they sometimes send...
  15. FarmerWanna-Be

    Black and White calves

    If you have Maine/Angus cows, what are the best bulls to give black and white calves?
  16. FarmerWanna-Be

    Cow Opinions

    What do you think of her? This is a picture of her this past summer. She is a Chimaine. Do you think Mercedes Benz would work on her?
  17. FarmerWanna-Be

    Baby Calf Pictures 2011

    Does anyone have calves yet??? I was thinking it would be cool for people to share baby pictures of calves born this spring as they come. I wont have calves until April but I know some people start early. Let's see those cute baby calf pictures  ;D
  18. FarmerWanna-Be

    Bull ID

    Does anyone know the name of the black bull that is in the picture with him facing the camera on the Maine Anjou Association website? He's also on the cover of the 2007 Maine Anjou Association AI Sire book.
  19. FarmerWanna-Be

    One and Only calves

    I highly doubt there are any yet as this bull is just over 2 years old but I was wondering if anyone has or has heard of any One and Only calves? What are they like?
  20. FarmerWanna-Be

    Sire Selection

    We will be AIing for the first time in a while next summer and are looking to get some black and white or blue roan show calves. We have a herd of Maine Anjou cows with Angus and Chi influence.What are some good bulls that sire colored up calves and will work well on the more feminine style cows...