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    Best hair growth pruduct

    Thanks for the replies that's pretty much what we've been doing just looking for a lil edge! Will have to take a look at that brush. Thanks Jason!
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    Best hair growth pruduct

    There is a lot of hair growing products out there what is your opinions on the best ones? Which one is the best?
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    Ali's Solution Calving Ease?????

    Catalog says clean but website and abs ad in livestock plus both say phac.
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    Ali's Solution Calving Ease?????

    I agree just don't know if I wanna be the test dummy!
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    Ali's Solution Calving Ease?????

    I just noticed that they have changed his status to being Phac. Just wanted some opinions on whether or not this will affect his ability for calving ease. I know it won't hurt the calf unless you breed him to another ph carrier. Just curious about the size and using him on heifers before I order...
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    Game Plan?

    Does anybody have any thoughts on him and has anybody got any calves yet? Thanks
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    AMEN Calves?

    Anybody got any yet
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    First Calf of 2011!

    Now thats a cute calf.
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    Rocky Balboa Heifer

    If you could get a couple more pics from some different angles you will get some more responses. Seems to look Ok
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    What a night..

    Had third calf out him out of a big three year old first calf heifer. Pulled it at 4 am  was wishing I had bought a jack. 105 lb bull calf but everyone is doing good. Got one more to go hopefully a lot smaller.
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    Who' s your favorite new 2011 Lautner bull?

    Haven't studied them hard but I liked Bodacious when I saw him at Hawkeye.
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    What a night..

    Did you get a birthweight? I've had one 87lb unassisted out of a heifer and one dead out of a cow. I've got two heifers to go.
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    2011 Headliner twins and Choreboy heifer

    Nice lookin calves hopin to get a couple of calves out of him in a couple of weeks. Those two get me excited for the calves.
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    I saw thriller up to Hawkeye breeders a few weeks ago and thought he looked pretty good and has nice size two him as a two year old.
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    When I looked at him last week it took him  a couple of minutes to get up he just kept rocking back and forth. I finally got tired of waiting and looked at some other bulls and when I came back he was finally up. Way to straight. I hope everything turns out for the best with your calves.
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    BAZINGA! Iowa Beef Expo

    Just took a glance of him when he arrived at Nichols but looked like a nice bull. Best of luck with him.
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    Open Sim- Ang Heifers For Sale

    Brent send me a pm with a price if you would
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    Rocky Balboa mature pics?

    Anybody seen him  as a mature bull? I would sure like to see a mature pic of him if anybody has one.
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    Stands Alone

    Brent have you seen him lately he was one I was considering for Jades dirty cow.