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  1. C

    2011 truck - gas or diesel??

    Thinking about getting a 2011 truck, probably a Silverado 3500.  Would love to have the new Duramax, but am wondering with diesel prices and the new diesel exhaust fluid requirements, is it still worth it to spend the extra $8k on a diesel?  On paper, the mileage and pulling power are supposed...
  2. C

    N/C 4 wheeler v. utv

    I am looking at getting either a 4 wheeler or a utv for the farm.  We used to have a 4 wheeler and it was priceless to getting things done around the farm, checking cows, etc...  However, it bit the dust and we just hadn't replaced it.  Since then, the utv thing has really caught on.  So, I was...
  3. C

    Squeeze chutes - For-Most or Titan West?

    I have been searching for a squeeze chute and was hoping for some help from Planeteers on what you like and dislike.  I have priced a Titan West chute w/palp cage and really seem to like the way it handles.  My vet uses a For-Most and I've had a few people recommend them to me as well. A couple...