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    what is your worst mating?

      I have a crossbread angus cow that is a consistent producer. Her past matings have been dead-on good. I bred her to Thriller this year and had a less than average calf (at this point). What "clean bull" is working on angus based cows?
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    livestock saying and quotes

    I heard this one recently......"Never buy a heifer/steer that you can't afford to watch die."
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    Caption this photo!

    Say What?    Burdizzo?      How do you spell that?
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    best TH Free Clubby

    I would like to know if there are any Amen calves on the ground and if so, how do they look?
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    Duane Hilbert has Passed Away

    Hated to hear about Dewey. He named us grand at an open steer show out in western iowa a long time ago. He slapped our steer...walked back to the microphone and said "he's big, he's bold, he's black, he's good!"  I never forgot that......classic!