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  1. S

    Miniature Panda Cows

    I think on the Happy Mountain website there was something mentioned about the developing of the "Red Panda" cattle. Oh well. And my sister came up with the calling of our "illegal fakes" lol, as "Bear Cat Cattle" which is what Panda means in Chinese, or to call them "Xiong Mao" cattle, that is...
  2. S

    Miniature Panda Cows

    lol-- thats a whole other can of worms! By the way, I love all the pictures of the beautiful cattle posted on here... I am not "new" to cattle, but my family is new to raising the miniatures. We are really enjoying every aspect of them. I see the speciality mini's, ie, the Pandas, the super...
  3. S

    Miniature Panda Cows

    Sorry... Didn't meant to come off "on you," I've just heard this before-- Guess I'm just covering myself. No hurt intended. It is a strange subject matter, when someone puts a monopoly on a "color trait" and then makes it into a breed, then has the audacity tell you that you can NOT have any...
  4. S

    Miniature Panda Cows

    No where did I say I was infringing on the Panda Cow trademark-- it was just the fact that the "Panda Cows" hit the news on New Years Eve as having "only 24 in the whole world" and then my cow threw one that was nearly just like it-- WHAT ELSE COULD I CALL IT? If YOU call them "panda cows" and...
  5. S

    Miniature Panda Cows

    Yes, he was bred as a potential beef (mini hereford/mini Angus cross). We were hoping for a bull calf for that purpose, but when we went out and saw how pretty he was we were saying "Oh why couldn't he have been a heifer?!" But after seeing the GMA segment, we are glad to have him regardlesss! I...
  6. S

    Miniature Panda Cows

    Has anyone seen on the news just lately the Panda Cows? There is a website for them also. Supposedly they are a relatively "new breed," but they are really a crossbreed with the mini Belted Galloways. Our mini cross heifer delivered one of them on New Year's Eve. I had never even heard of them...