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  1. 4

    Best Truck To Get???

    Finding a new pickup can be hard, frustrating and fun! You need to find your preference and act on it.  The biggest thing is don't settle for something just because they have something on a lot for a good price! I have some info to hopefully help you.  I am a very big diesel enthusiast and have...
  2. 4

    How to get better hair?

    Hello everyone, new to the show cattle business.  I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on how to get that perfect hair?  I see calves with amazing hair and it looks so much better and it looks easier to work with.  So any advice or techniques would be great.  I know the climate has...
  3. 4

    Needing to buy chute

    Hello I am looking to buy a chute, ours was stolen!  so we are looking to find a good used one.  I live in Nebraska and i will travel if close enough or we can work something else out as well. thanks.  Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I thought I would have better luck in the classifieds...